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Messages - ferrux

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Lachner Symphony No.7
Thursday 03 September 2020, 23:23
Thank you all for this interesting and intriguing research on the Seventh Symphony. Certainly heralds a moment of crisis with her future transition to the Suite genre. So much so, the late Octave (a very beautiful work) will be quite another thing, very different from the previous ones. After all, Lachner devoted himself to string quartets from the 1840s onwards.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Lachner Symphony No.7
Saturday 08 August 2020, 19:11
Many thanks, but of course I had already read eschiss1's nd White's posts, but I was hoping that in the meantime some new data had emerged. Perhaps some specific book might be useful; but there are very few. I only know: Wolfram Steinbeck, Lachner und die Symphonie. I haven't read it, but it's an 11-page article included in Franz Lachner und seine Bruder and probably isn't very detailed. Only 8 pages has another article: Andrea Harrandt, F. L. zwischen den Zeiten. Does anyone have Ludwig Karl Meyer, F. L. als Instrumental Komponist or Harald Mann, F. L. als Dirigent und Komponist available?
Recordings & Broadcasts / Lachner Symphony No.7
Saturday 08 August 2020, 12:21
Can anyone tell me something about Lachner's Seventh Symphony in D minor Op. 58 (Elegie in Form einer Sinfonie)? No cd, no score. In fact it remained handwritten. It has probably come down to us in fragments; or hasn't it been completed? Maybe it was reused in a Suite. The Seventh Suite?  See RISM. Thanks!