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Messages - nielk

Composers & Music / Re: Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin 1821 - 1910
Wednesday 03 February 2021, 12:05
Weckerlin (or Wekerlin) was mainly known as the librarian of the Paris Conservatory, less as a composer, but still he was quite prolific. His Wikipedia page is really terrible, not well written and rather superficial. I've just done a few formal edits, but I will expand it in the next few days. Check back next week or so.
Composers & Music / Re: Karl Edmund Booth (1842-1923)
Wednesday 03 February 2021, 08:05
Booth has an entry in J. D. Brown's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians (London, 1886; reprint Hildesheim, 1970), p. 106. This is probably where giles.enders has his information from. His place of birth was Weinheim, not Wernheim (correct in the headline, misspelled in the first paragraph).
Thanks for the warm welcome, semloh,
In the meantime I have provided the two Polish musicians who recorded the last Hennessy CD with more suitable music, and I can report they plan to return to the recording studio later this year.
I also look after Hennessy's article on Wikipedia, so that gives a first overview for anyone who's interested. A longer article with a focus on his 'Celtic' side is available in the 2018 issue of the open-access Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland:
Any remaining questions, let me know.
Hello, I've just seen this thread as a visitor and finally joined the network – something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am Swan Hennessy's biographer, the author of Bird of Time. The Music of Swan Hennessy (Mainz: Schott Music, 2019). Ask me anything you want to know about this composer ;)
As for the two recordings discussed here, I have been responsible for both in one way or another. It's a pity that the RTÉ ConTempo Quartet's recording is not available as snippets. But the real thing is still there to buy through many channels. Both the recording quality and the interpretation are light years better than the one on IMSLP. Don't form your opinion on the quartets on the basis of those poor recordings, please.
As for the piano music, likewise the interpretation by Moritz Ernst is incomparably better than other recordings you can find on Youtube. Whether or not there is "too much" reverb on the recordings is, of course, a matter of taste.
Finally, a third CD has been issued in late December 2020 (literally on Christmas Eve) on the Polish label Acte Préalable. For a change, I had nothing to do with it. It contains two solo piano works and several works for viola and piano (only the last one, the Sonatine celtique, Op. 62, is originally a viola work, the others were originally written for violin. There are snippets here for you to listen to: