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Messages - Annonymouse

Another video clip from the making of the much Covid delayed CD ;D
1st March 2019 - late into the night recording session of Corentin Boissier's 'Philip Marlowe Piano Concerto' with Ukrainian Festival Orchestra - conducted by maestro and Grammy winning conductor John McLaughlin Williams in Lviv, Ukraine.
To add to the intrigue - this is the dramatic finale of the 3rd movement - before the gunshots are edited in !!
The result of several days of hard work !! 🙂

CD and other formats available on the Toccata Classics label.
If you go - and scroll a little - every single track is teased !!

To see and hear an unsuccessful take (or 'just workin' it out') of Boissier's Glamour Concerto from the recording session in Lviv. Ukraine - about 2 years ago ; go here.

To see and hear a successful take from the same recording session in the Ukraine - go here.