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Messages - declan.murphy

Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Sunday 30 January 2022, 11:14
Hello folks.

It's been a while since I've posted here, excuse the time lapse, college work has swamped me. I've been unsuccessful in tracking down the A major piano Concerto. Elgin Ronayne used to know the owner of the Concerto but he died about 8 months ago. The wife has died too so no one actually knows where it is. However what she does know is that the owner had a son named Hans-Rainer Jung who was a violinist in the Leipzig Philharmonic (he's retired now). We cannot get contact details off them because they do not have the privelege to dispense such information. Therefore I ask if anyone has any leads on this person I would greatly appreciate it as this is one of the few leads I have.

In the meantime, I have also acquired "Drei Clavierstucke op. 13". It's the only set of pieces he composed in Geneva, and funnily enough it's not mentioned in Elgins article on stavenhagen. About a week ago too I participated in a competition in which I played the Stavenhagen Concerto in B minor. I didn't win but I did get a commendation, so that's something.
So if anyone is able to help me with this I'd greatly appreciate this and thank you for everything you've all done so far.
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Thursday 09 September 2021, 00:25
Okay Guys HUGE Update:

I feel like we're getting closer and closer to this because each lead I find narrows it down to the source of this concerto.... and possibly other works...

So Gareth your lead was fantastic. Elgin Strub Ronaynes article on stavenhagen was so much more comprehensive and informative than any of the other websites on the pianist. And rightfully so - because its turns out she's the grand niece of Stavenhagen herself! And she's still alive! I sent her an email about a week ago and I hadn't expected to get a reply but I just got one this evening, delighted to hear about the fact we were rooting for Stavenhagen. She explained her relation to Stavenhagen and knows that the 2 hands piano concerto is owned by Hans Rudolph Jung, Professor, Doctor. She has sent an email to him enquiring about the concerto. I will update you soon when I get a reply.

As per the article she sent to me that she wrote all that time ago, I found out that Stavenhagen actually DID have children. None with his first wife, Agnes, but with his second wife Victoria. Also the 2 dramatic scenes for voice and orchestra have actually been declared lost.

I'm the middle of all this, I also sent an email to the Vogtland Philharmonie, enquiring about the concerto in their archives. We're getting closer and closer!
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Friday 03 September 2021, 19:11
There's a lot of Liszt societies around the world haha. Is the one you're all referring to the one based in England. Because I find that site very difficult to navigate. There's no search bar for finding that person, don't suppose any of you have Elgins email? I just can't find it.
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Thursday 02 September 2021, 20:02
Yeah I was researching him but there aren't any indications that he's dead. I contacted one of his older students but I haven't heard back from him. I'll try her too though, thank you
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Thursday 02 September 2021, 19:57
No tpaloj that's the B minor concerto and that's in the public domain. We're looking for a piano concerto in a major.

Thanks so much Gareth, for the reference. I'll take any leads I can.
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Thursday 02 September 2021, 16:31
Gareth I actually contacted ries and erler and they could only offer me what was in the public domain. And on the BL website in results on page 4 there was both Dietrich Links arrangement CD and the work for the piano concerto. Which I see here now is actually Link's arrangement. I've tried to approach the record company but they've changed their name since 1992 so who knows if that works. I've also tried to get into contact with volkmar Lehmann since he is the pianist who performed in the recording but I can't get any contact info on the Web (does anyone know it?)
It's a sort of semi victory for me I suppose since I've also found the 5 songs here (don't know what opus number)
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Thursday 02 September 2021, 12:05
UPDATE: So I've managed to track the A major piano concerto down on the net eventually. It's literally the only place on the Internet too - it's the British Library. If you keyword Bernhard Stavenhagen, multiple results come up that you couldn't find anywhere. The five songs come up. Drei Clavierstucke op. 13 comes up. And of course the A major piano concerto comes up and i was really happy about it. However it is simply not orderable. Maybe my college library might be able to order it as inter library ordering is somewhat plausible given copyright restrictions and all that. But anyway, I've achieved the first step which is finding it

So... What now?
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Tuesday 17 August 2021, 00:30
Thanks for the replies and the time you spent doing the searching for me. I agree, it probably is best to approach that company. They published most of Stavenhagens music when he was alive and dead so that's our most likely lead. They might know some things about the quartets for women's voices too.
Also yes approaching the record company is an idea too
Composers & Music / Re: Bernhard Stavenhagen 1862-1914
Friday 13 August 2021, 00:26

Is there any way to purchase a score of the A major Piano Concerto? The piano reduction one obviously as I understand the orchestral parts remain lost. I always hear about the CD but never about the actual score of Stavenhagen's concerto. I'd like to have a go at re-orchestrating the concerto from scratch since I play a lot of Stavenhagen's music

I also purchased a copy of the score of "Der Tor und der Tod". A nice violin and harp duet of two pieces.

Also if you're still adding to this list, opus 13 is once again "Drei Klavierstucke" I. Nocturne, II. Wiegenlied, III. Capriccio. He also wrote music for a children's play entitled "Krippenspiel" (no opus number)

Op.13 was published in 2017 so copyright will be on that for a while. It can only be ordered by another library. My college library has ordered it so I will update you further if I can get it

In your debut post you mention two quartets for women's voices and the 5 lieder Wo. Would you know where to find these?

Thanks for reading this if you ever come back here