Polish 19th Century lost Piano Concertos & Symphonies

Started by Artur Slotwinski, Tuesday 14 February 2017, 17:23

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Gareth Vaughan

Dannreuther in one of the editions of Groves mentions the PC of Tausig in a brief list of his works, but no one has found it yet and there seems to be some doubt as to whether it ever actually existed. Similarly,  the PC by Zarebski,  though mentioned in some sources, is thought now never to have existed.


QuoteThe existence at one point of concertante works of some kind by Antoni Kontski/Katski for piano and orchestra seems to be testified to by a brief bio of him (... my Polish is non-existent, sorry, but here's the link) - - (the bio, which seems to mention something with piano and orchestra, is on pp.180-81.)

One fragment says as follows:
"Antoni Katski has published a great number of works for piano and orchestra. He writes with great ease, his compositions are liked and sought after by amateurs and artists although they are difficult. We [the editor] gave in the French edition of this dictionary a complete catalog of his works till around 1857 but now their number exceeds two hundred works."

Perhaps the French edition is available and something interesting could be found there?

The website below (unfortunately in Polish) mentions two piano concertos: in E flat minor (before 1863) and in F major



A little birdie tells me that the Sowinski PC is to be released by Act Prealable, subsequent to a reconstruction of the orchestral parts and a superb, but low quality private recording.

This is top notch stuff. If you like Czerny, you will love this.



Alan Howe

I take it we're talking about Wojciech Adalbert Sowiński (1803-1880). If so, there seems to be more than one PC...

Artur Slotwinski

Are we talking about this private recording? It is the only one recording - performed by myself with my orchestration of tutti and composition of lacking orchestral material (the accompaniments). Apparently there are plans of releasing a CD but no budget for that is reserved for that purpose. I will never agree to release that private recording on any CD - it is only a promotional youtube video - good 1st and 2nd movement but with lot of "issues" with the 3rd. Acte Prealable? Mr Jarnicki are You here???  :o :o :o   Once again I don't agree to release on a CD this recording and the only one existing today to my knowledge; the only performable version is this one (my restoration) or some one just found the original score??: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC4Tp1SeJQw&t=1006s

With all due respect,

Artur Slotwinski - founder, performer and the author of restoration and owner of the score of Wojciech Sowinski/Artur Slotwinski Piano Concerto in G-minor - the score is protected under the law (ZAiKS - Polish Copyright Agency)

Alan Howe

Well, we need further information from thalbermad's little birdie...

Artur Slotwinski

I e-mailed him to reveal this mysterious little birdy and asked other urgent questions about my case...

Alan Howe

It doesn't matter who the birdie is - only what information it has...


I will make 3 points.

1. I heard that a recording of the Sowinski Piano Concerto is scheduled for release by Act Prealable for 2018.

2. Anybody in the universe is entitled to record this work after constructing their own orchestral parts from the extant material. A talented student could do it as it is a piano centric work. Nobody is forced to beg permission from anybody.

3. Although I am respectful of what has already been done, no label that values their reputation would commercially release the performance that is on you tube.

I have never heard such a fuss over a simple statement.



Alan Howe

Thanks for the information. The fuss is, obviously, quite unjustified.