Ernö Dohnányi (1877-1960) The Complete Solo Piano Music

Started by FBerwald, Monday 03 October 2011, 09:08

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This is exciting news really - The 2012 Hyperion series of Dohnányi's complete Solo Piano Music...


I have an old ASV disc of his piano music, and I believe it has those Rhapsodies. Sound quality is very....ah....hammery? and I wonder if this new disc will be a good replacement....


there's been at least one almost-complete set awhile back on Hungaroton, I believe, and other selections, but I agree this is promising... and I personally enjoy most all the Dohnanyi that I have heard, for what that's worth (not yet the operas, I think, but quartets, quintets, sextet (especially!), violin concertos, 2 of the 3 symphonies, serenade for string trio (once live, also on recordings), etc. ...)



Quote from: FBerwald on Monday 03 October 2011, 23:15
you men the 2 symphonies... Don't you?
No, he means 2 of the 3.  The student symphony in F was just recorded a while back.  It's on cpo, IIRC.


nope, the student symphony in F (which has been listed among Dohnanyi's symphonies in listings in books (including but not limited to Grove, I believe...) for quite some time; its recording premiere was long awaited by me though I still haven't heard it :( ) is on Hungaroton- though cpo was planning on doing a Dohnanyi orchestral series of which their recording of the first concerto was an opening salvo, I believe. Maybe they will still continue it.