Started by sdtom, Sunday 02 October 2011, 01:58

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Talk about a neglected work. It took over 50 years before it was recorded and its main claim to fame was part of it was used in Psycho



Yes a fine work- I have a recording on Koch. The 'For the Fallen' is another Herrmann concert work I like - much better, I think than the rather cheesy 'Hymn to the Fallen' from John Williams's (otherwise excellent) score for 'Saving Private Ryan'.


here is another selection from the same CD



Quote from: vandermolen on Sunday 02 October 2011, 09:09
Yes a fine work- I have a recording on Koch. The 'For the Fallen' is another Herrmann concert work I like - much better, I think than the rather cheesy 'Hymn to the Fallen' from John Williams's (otherwise excellent) score for 'Saving Private Ryan'.

We have to keep in mind that this work was atonal. I like Hymn to the Fallen Also and Silent Noon.


Meanwhile, Herrmann's Symphony 2, completed in the early 1970s, languishes in California, unperformed.


Quote from: chill319 on Monday 03 October 2011, 02:17
Meanwhile, Herrmann's Symphony 2, completed in the early 1970s, languishes in California, unperformed.

Never knew that! How extraordinary.  Still, as Moeran's 'Second Symphony' is about to be released on Dutton, maybe there is hope for the Herrmann.


It is indeed startling news that a Bernard Herrmann Symphony No. 2 exists. This is the first time I ever come across this and would appreciate further information and specific sources. Thank you.


Sorry, Mykuhl, I haven't time or means to run that gamut at the moment. Pity you didn't see my mention of the symphony in this forum on 2 January, for then the source was in my browser history. I would look for an extensive collection of manuscripts (Box A, folder x, that sort of thing) at a university, possibly in southern California (USC? San Diego?). The collection is more extensive than the eponymous one at UCLA (which does, however, have the Nocturne and Scherzo for orchestra). Because it is extensive, the collection must be easy for a research librarian to find. As I recall the manuscript, marked Symphony, is said to date from the early 1970s -- 73 or 74.  When I saw the listing I too was startled. I took it to be a second essay in the genre, but I have not seen the MS and it could be a revision, or even copy by another, of Herrmann's 1940(ish) work.


This is the final selection on the out of print CD from Koch. It is a fair representation of works from Hollywood composers. The recording is okay but acceptable if you want the material.



Thanks for the further information about the Herrmann Symphony manuscript. As Herrmann's popularity covered both the worlds of the cinema and the concert hall, it would seem that if an actual Second Symphony existed, it would haven been unearthed, performed and recorded by now. However, anything is possible. If anyone has additional information, I am sure it would be greatly welcomed in this forum.


I had the opportunity to listen to the new Chandos recording which also includes Moby Dick. [url][/url]

If money were no issue I would have both but otherwise I think it is more of a matter of either wanting Moby Dick or the works by Waxman and Rozsa.