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Aline Hundt 1849-1873

Started by giles.enders, Wednesday 18 July 2012, 13:54

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Aline Hundt   Born 1849 Berlin - Died 23.1.1872  Berlin

She studied under Liszt in Weimar and from the age of 11, she was appointed as pianist to the court of Saxe-Weimar


Symphony in G minor  1871  - Lizst conducted the first performance
March for Grand orchestra  1871


Dream Images for violin or viola and piano  Op.6 
Capriccio Hongoraise for violin and piano  Op.12   pub. by Bote & Bock 1873


Fantaisie  Op.1 1861  pub. by Klemm
Mazurka-Caprice   pub. by Challier
Polka   pub. by Challier
Three fantasie caprices: mazurka, mazurka, valse.  Op.2   pub. by Klemm


Champagnerlied (Champagne Aria) for tenor male choir and orchestra
Abend am Meere (Evening by the Sea) words by Alfred von Meissner  Op.3/1
Der Gartner  Op.3/2
Bedeckt mich mit Blumen  Op.3/3
Mag de draussen Schee Sich  words by Heinrich Heine  Op.3/4
Ich trat in jene Hallen  words by Heinrich Heine  Op.3/5
Ich liebtedich  Op.3/6
Standchen  Op.3/7
Sceideblick  Op.3/8
Fruhlingskinder  Op.3/9
Ballade  Op.4
Kling, Klinge meine Pandero ( Blade, sword my Pandero) for voice and piano  Op.10/1   pub. by Challier
Horch, im Winde saenselin Sacht  (Hark, the wind whispers gently) for voice and piano Op.10/2   pub. by Challier
Wie waer' ain Maedchen, das Blumen pflueckle (How about a girl picking flowers)  for voice and piano  Op.10/3   pub. by Challier
Alle gingen, Herz, zur Ruh  (All have gone to their rest, Heart)  Op.10/4   pub. by Challier