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Mp3 management software

Started by Leea25, Sunday 12 February 2012, 20:33

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Hi there all,

What an amazing site - thank you so much for all the time and effort people put into the uploads, and the discussions are very interesting too - it's amazing that people know so much about little-known composers.

My question is this. I had an mp3 collection of about 18,000 tracks, even before I joined this site. I am finding iTunes a little cumbersome and wanted to change software. My absolute primary requirement for this is that the cataloguing software can tell me what is and what isn't on my iPod at anyone time. I have a 160GB iPod which generally holds about 15,000 tracks. So, my only current way of finding out if something is on my iPod, is to go and look down the list! It would be much better if I could look through my library and see some sort of marker or something to tell me if a track was on the iPod or not.

Does anyone know if iTunes can actually do this (I'm pretty sure not), or does anyone have any suggestions for a piece of software that might. I've looked at Media Monkey for example, and can't see anything that says that it can do this.

Many thanks in advance,

Mark Thomas

Welcome Leea. I' can't really help you, but Media Monkey (which I'd never heard of) looks about as comprehensive as you are going to get, though. Maybe the Gold option?


Thanks Mark... I was thinking the same. Now trying to pluck up the courage to start sorting it all! :)



Hi Lee

I use a 'free' piece of software called Sharepod and it really helps in sorting out your Ipod and copying sections to your PC.
I'd give it a go!