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Cipriani Potter 1792-1871

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 14 April 2012, 10:34

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Philip Cipriani Hambly Potter Born 3 October 1792 London - Died 26 September 1871 London

Potter initially studied under his father and with Callcott, Attwood, Crotch and Woelfl.  Later in Vienna he studied with Alois Forster.He succeeded Crotch as Principal of The Royal Academ6y of Music in 1832 remaining in post until 1859.  It was due to his good management that The RAM was put on a sound financial and structural basis.

He made his debut as a pianist at The Philharmonic Society Concerts in 1816.

Cipriani Potter's pupil, George Macfarren in his book said that Potter wrote nine symphonies and there are nine sumphonies extant.  However things are not as simple as that.  There is a numbered symphony No.10.  Some of the numbered symphonies are missing. There are also some unnumbered ones.  Potter also substantially revised some of his symphonies.  Revised numbering of the symphonies are in brackets


Symphony No.1  in G minor  1819 revised  1826
Symphony No.2  in D major  1820 (No.7)
Unnumbered Symphony  in B flat  1821 revised  1839 (No.2)
Symphony No.4  in D major  1833 (No.9)  also arranged for piano, 4 hands.
Symphony No.6  in C minor  1826 (No.3)
Symphony No.7  in F  1826 (No.4)
Symphony No.8  in E flat  1828  revised 1846 with new slow movement (No.5)
Symphony No.10  in G minor  1832 (No.6)
Symphony in C minor  1834  (No.8

Other Orchestral

Overture in E minor 1815 revised 1848
Anthony and Cleopatra 1835
Cymbaline - overture 1836
The Tempest - overture1837
Duo Concertante for Piano, Violin and Orchestra  Op.14  1827
Concertante on 'Les Folies d'Esapgne' for Violin, Cello, Double bass, Piano and Orchestra  1829
March  1854

For Piano and Orchestra

Piano Concerto No.1  in D minor  1832
Piano Concerto No.2  in E flat  1833
Piano Concerto No.3  in E 1835
Introduction and Rondo 'alla militaire'  1827
Bravura Variations on a theme by Rossini  1829
Ricercata on a French theme  1830


Sextet for Piano, Flute and Strings  Op.11  1816
Sextet for Flute, Clarinet, Viola, Cello, Double bass and Piano

Other Chamber

Piano trio Op.12  1824
Piano trio in D
Piano trio in B flat
Sonata di bravura in E flat for horn and piano Op.13 1824
String quartet in G


Piano duet  Op.7
Grand duo - piano 4 hands  Op.6  1821
Arrangement of symphony No.9 for piano 4 hands  Op.29
Trio piano, five hands one piano

Sonata No.1 in C Op.1
Sonata No.2 in D Op.3
Sonata No.3 in E minor Op.4
'Enigma'-  variations  Op.5
Impromptu on the Scottish air 'Auld Robin Gray'  Op.8
Tocatta No.1   1816
Tocatta No.2
Tocatta No3  Op.9
Pezzi di bravura  Op.15 
'The Parade' military divertimento  Op.17
Studies in all the major and minor keys  Op.19
Introduction and rondo giocoso  Op.20
Rondo Brillant No.1
Rondo Brillant No.2 Op.21
Fantasia, march and trio  1820
54 Impromptus  Op.22
Impromptu in B flat
Impromptu in D
Impromptu in G
Introduction and rondoletto  Op.23
Introduction and variations on 'Alice Gray'
Introduction and variations with coda and cadenza
Three waltzes in German Style  1816


'When evening draws her curtain round'  for soloist and piano  1817
'No more'  for soloist and piano  1825
'Medora e Carrado' - cantata for solo voices, chorus and orchestra  1830
'Wer unter eines Madchens Hand'  for baritone and small orchestra  1847 - only the first three pages survive.


Quote from: giles.enders on Saturday 14 April 2012, 10:34Cipriani Potter's pupil, George MacFarren in his book said that Potter wrote nine symphonies and there are nine sumphonies extant.  However things are not as simple as that.  There is a numbered symphony No.10.  Some of the numbered symphonies are missing. There are also some unnumbered ones.  Potter also substantially revised some of his symphonies.

It is perhaps easier to adopt a simple chronology, ignore the composer's shambolic numbering and disregard what is lost, producing the numbering on the left  -

[No.1] G minor (1819, revised 1824/6) - unnumbered but usually referred to as No.1 (autograph [BL RPS MS 159])

[No.2] B flat major (1821, revised 1839) - unnumbered but usually referred to as No.2 (first version autograph dated January 1821 [BL RPS MS 160]; revision autograph dated 1839 [RAM MS 259])

[No.3] C minor (1826) - styled No.6 by the composer (autograph dated January 1826 [BL Ms. Add. 31783])

[No.4] F major (1826) - styled No.7 by the composer (autograph dated December 1826 [BL Ms. Add. 31783])

[No.5] E flat major (1828, revised with replacement slow movement 1846) - styled No.8 by the composer (first version autograph dated November 1828 [BL Ms. Add. 31783]; revision autograph dated 1846 [RAM MSS 191/1154, two copies])

[No.6] G minor (1832) - styled both 'No.10' and 'No.2' by the composer (autograph dated 1832 [BL RPS MS 161])

[No.7] D major (1833) - styled 'No.2' by the composer, but usually referred to as No.11 (autograph dated November 1833 [BL RPS MS 162])

[No.8] C minor (1834) - unnumbered by the composer, but usually referred to as No. 12 (autograph dated November 1834 [BL RPS MS 163])

[No.9] D major (1834) - styled 'No.4' by the composer, but usually referred to as alternatively No.14 or 15 (autograph dated 24th November 1834 [RPS MS 164]), published for piano duet as Op.29


There is also a substantial cantata:

Medora e Corrado (autograph of the overture dated 4th January 1830, autograph of the cantata dated 15th December, probably 1829 [RAM MS 1152])



Congratulations to you both :)

I admire your efforts :)


May I 'Hambley' offer my thanks?


to fill in gaps...


11   Sextet for fl, string quartet, piano (1827)
12   Piano Trio (1824)
13   Sonata di bravura in Eb for horn and piano (1824)
   Sextet in Eb for fl, cl, va, vc, db, pf (1836)
   Trio in Eb for cl, bn, pf
   Piano Trio in D
   Piano Trio in Bb
   String Quartet in G (30')


   Overture in e minor (1815, rev. 1848)
   Symphony No. 1 in g minor (1819, revised 1824/6)
   Symphony No. 2 in Bb (1821, revised 1839)
   Symphony No. 3 in c minor (1826)
   Symphony No. 4 in F (1826)
   Introduction and rondo 'alla militaire' for pf, orch (1827)
14   Duo concertant for pf, vn, orchestra (1827)
   Symphony No. 5 in Eb (1828, revised 1846)
   Concertante for vn, vc, db, pf, orch on 'Les folies d'Espagne'
   Bravura Variations, on a theme by Rossini, pf, orch (1829)
24   Ricercata, 'on a favorite French theme', pf, orch (1830)
   Piano Concerto in d minor (no. 2) (1832)
   Symphony No. 6 in g minor (1832)
   Piano Concerto in Eb (1833)
   Symphony No. 7 in D (1833)
   Symphony No. 8 in c minor (1834)
   Symphony No. 9 in D (1834)
   Piano Concerto in E (1835)
   Antony and Cleopatra, ov (1835)
   Cymbeline, ov (1836)
   The Tempest, ov (1837)
   Slow movement (alternative) for Symphony No. 5 (1846)
   March (1854)


   Trio, pf 5 hands (?1816)
   3 Waltzes in German Style (1816)
   Recueil de valzers (1816)
   Andante 'La placidità' (Bonn, 1817)
27   Fantasia and Fugue, 2 pf, c, 1818, op.27, Lam (?Bonn, c1830)
   Rondeau (Leipzig, 1818)
   Rondeau brillant [no.1] (Vienna, ?1818)
1   Sonata No. 1 in C, op.1 (1818)
3   Sonata No. 2 in D, op.3 (Leipzig, 1818)
4   Sonata No. 3 in e minor, op.4 (Leipzig, 1818)
2   Variations, on Mozart's 'Fin ch'han dal vino', op.2 (Leipzig, 1818) [pubd without (1816)]
   13 Variations, on 'Bekränzt mit Laub' (Bonn, c1818)
   Polonaise (Vienna, 1818)
   Fantasia, March and Trio (Vienna, ?1820)
6   Grand duo, pf 4 hands, op.6 (Vienna, ?1821)
   Fantasia, on 'Chi dice mal d'amore' (c1822)
   Mes rêveries (c1823)
15   Pezzi di bravura, op.15 (Bonn, c1824)
16   Andante and Allegretto 'Il compiacente', op.16 (?c1824)
17   The Parade, military divertimento, op.17 (?c1824)
   Le départ de Vienne, in Harmonicon, ii (1824), 81
8   Impromptu, on the Scottish air 'Auld Robin Gray', op.8 (1825)
5   'Enigma' Variations, op.5 (c1825)
9   3 Toccatas, op.9 (Leipzig, ?1825) [no.1 pubd without (?1816), no.2 pubd without (Leipzig, 1818)]
20   Introduction and Rondo giocoso, op.20 (?1826)
19   Studies in All the Major and Minor Keys, op.19 (1826)
   Introduction and Variations, with coda and cadenza (Leipzig, ?1826)
   Fugue, E, 3 pf, 1827, Lam
21   Rondeau brillant no.2, op.21 (1827)
   Allegro di bravura 'Il vispo e la fuggita' (before 1827)
22   54 Impromptus, op.22 (1832)
   Introduction and Variations, on 'Alice Gray' (before 1837)
   Impromptu in Bb, 1841
   Celebrated Octave Lesson (1834–48)
   Impromptu in D, in J. Benedict:Select Practice for the Piano Forte (?1850)
29   Symphony No. 7 in D, arrangement for piano 4-hands
23   Introduction and Rondoletto, op.23 (?1851)
28   Trois amusements, op.28 (?1848–51)
   Impromptu in G/g, ?1852, Lam
   Eine Grille, 1868, Lam, facs. in RAM Club Magazine, no.1 (1900)
   Rondo scherzando 'Il sollievo' (n.d.)


   When evening draws her curtain round, 1v, pf (c1817)
   No More, canzonet, 1v, pf, in Harmonicon, iii (1825), 21
   Medora e Corrado (G. Rossetti), cant., solo vv, chorus, orch, 1830, Lam
   Wer unter eines Mädchens Hand, B, small orch, 1847, lost except for pp.1–3

Unknown opp: 7, 10, 18, 25-26


Many thanks - this layout is much easier to navigate than Grove's (which also preserves the chaotic and misleading numbering of the symphonies).


One tiny correction to the list of piano music -

Quote from: Balapoel on Monday 23 April 2012, 04:58
29   Symphony No. 7 in D, arrangement for piano 4-hands

going by the numbering of symphonies in the orchestral section of the catalogue (adopting a simple 1-9 sequence), this should be Symphony No.9 in D, being an arrangement of the 1834 (not the 1833) work.


Quote from: Albion on Monday 23 April 2012, 07:26
Many thanks - this layout is much easier to navigate than Grove's (which also preserves the chaotic and misleading numbering of the symphonies).


One tiny correction to the list of piano music -

Quote from: Balapoel on Monday 23 April 2012, 04:58
29   Symphony No. 7 in D, arrangement for piano 4-hands

going by the numbering of symphonies in the orchestral section of the catalogue (adopting a simple 1-9 sequence), this should be Symphony No.9 in D, being an arrangement of the 1834 (not the 1833) work.

No problem - I have extensive composition lists - it has more than once proven worthwhile when purchasing music. I probably have most of your British composers works (not just orchestral) - and I can add them to the appropriate page if you are interested. I didn't so far because they are labeled 'orchestral' only. Send me a PM if you want me to go through and add the data. Most of my data come from Groves and Hoffmeister.