Sun Junqing: Introducing my own music...

Started by Sun Junqing, Saturday 29 September 2018, 02:22

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Sun Junqing

My last post was not passed by admin because I didn't follow the board rules. I am very sorry I was reckless... :'( :'(
But I have learned from my mistake~
I wrote some romantic style works,too. So I think this time I can fit the rules~
Symphony No.1~ It's a Brucknerian style work dedicated to Bruckner~

Symphony No.10~ Obviously a romantic style~

My other works maybe don't fulfill the rules here but you can hear them on my youtube channel~

Thank you ;D ;D ;D

Alan Howe

Could you tell us why you call these pieces 'symphonies', please? What is symphonic about them?

Sun Junqing

Sorry my English is poor~So I wrote them in Chinese and English then maybe it's better understanding~

Google translate maybe can work ;D
Symphonicity is a sense of hearing from the perspective of the audience. This is also largely dependent on a real symphony orchestra and the environment. My music is composed of soft sound sources. There is a big difference here. A single note, if it is actually played by human, actually due to factors such as reverb, overtone (tone), space, emotion, dynamics, etc. a note will greatly expand the information it originally contained in the score in actual performance ( It is just a note in the score). The listener's ears and brain react and receive feedback by receiving this information. For those who are used to listening to symphonic music, this feeling will produce so-called symphonic feeling, which is an experience. In my work, a note is played by a soft source, and the amount of information contained is not up to the amount of information that can be delivered by the actual performance, making it difficult for listeners to produce the same feeling naturally. So maybe this will cause you to ask me this question, where is the symphonic feeling in my works?

For composers, the answer to the question is why a symphony is called a symphony. This problem is actually quite broad. It is common sense that the symphony is first of all a large-scale music genre. It is usually played by an orchestra (orchestration), which shows deeper and richer emotions and content, and expresses deeper thoughts. But this is not absolute. For me, my works are in line with the above common sense, so they are all symphonies. From your question, I feel that you think my work is not a symphony, then I also want to know, where do you think my work is lacking as a symphony?

For example if my symphony No.1 is performed by a real orchestra you may get a very different feeling~Also if a Beethoven symphony(and you don't know it's Beethoven at first maybe me instead) is performed by synthesized orchestra you maybe will ask the same question.But for me a synthesized orchestra or a very very poor performance is no bother because I know a note is there~ I can somehow distinguish the performance and the thinking of the composer behind of it. But for listeners I know it depends mostly on hearing and feeling~ It maybe very different. ;D

Sun Junqing

You can find some orchestral works(I found a lot of baroque and renaissance composers' works) performed by synthesized orchestra on youtube~You can give them a try~But there is a good thing that a note is a note by synthesized orchestra so for me although these works sounds very poor but I can still judge and enjoy them~I can complement in my brain the lacking information due to synthesized But I know it's not the way for most music listeners~

Alan Howe

Traditionally, symphonies have had structure. Can you tell us how your symphonies are structured? What, for example, makes them symphonies as opposed to, say, tone poems?

Alan Howe

Sorry to be brutal, but...

With regard to Symphony No.1, I can hear Brucknerian gestures, but I have absolutely no sense of the music going anywhere. It seems to me merely a series of episodes - and the occasional magnificent, but irrelevant orchestral climax. Unless my ears deceive me, gestures do not a symphony make...

My suggestion: listen to a real Bruckner symphony!

Alan Howe

With regard to No.10 much the same applies: the music meanders (very pleasantly for much of the time, I admit), but, although there are climaxes, they don't seem to emerge with any logic from what has gone before. If the music is getting louder, there must be a reason. Unfortunately, I don't sense that here.

I'm sorry to be critical, but I just don't 'get' this music. It doesn't go anywhere - at least, as far as I can tell.

Alan Howe

...I should add that my observations have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the music is rendered by a computer program.