Brian's Gothic under Boult

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 30 October 2009, 12:27

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Hurwitz really hates Spohr...



I think he's just an attention seeker,really. His comments about Jacqueline du Pre,a while back now,might have been laughable,if they weren't also downright nasty. On a more positive note,he does at least have something different to say at times,and his reviews can be incisive. Actually,the critic I hate the most is Andrew Clements. If I were to use an appropriate word to describe his contributions my post would have to be removed!(Anyone remember that film,'Theatre of Blood'?!!!!)


Quote from: edurban on Wednesday 10 February 2010, 14:47
Hurwitz really hates Spohr...

A man after my own heart (just kidding. I only dislike Spohr ^_^)

I find I'm often quite in agreement with him, but other times I just have to go WTF (like his opinion of the K Jarvi recording of Bernstein's Mass vs. Alsop's). Sometimes I think he tries to...I dunno....write what he thinks people will want to hear. I dunno. He also seems to have bizzare taste in audio quality at times.


By the way,anyone got a favourite critic here? I used to like Michael Oliver,who seemed to have an open mind to some less well known corners of the repertory,before that sort of thing 'caught on'. I remember buying cd's of Holbrooke after reading his reviews,and he always seemed to praise cds of Havergal Brian. Incidentally,someone really needs to do a good cd recording of his 5th symphony (Wine of Summer),which is,in my opinion, anyway,one of the best things he ever did. NB Love this new style message board!!!

Alan Howe

Mark Thomas

Seconded - with the addition of our own Martin Anderson and Steve Haller (American Record Guide).


Quote from: TerraEpon on Wednesday 10 February 2010, 20:55
Quote from: edurban on Wednesday 10 February 2010, 14:47
Hurwitz really hates Spohr...

A man after my own heart (just kidding. I only dislike Spohr ^_^)

I find I'm often quite in agreement with him, but other times I just have to go WTF (like his opinion of the K Jarvi recording of Bernstein's Mass vs. Alsop's). Sometimes I think he tries to...I dunno....write what he thinks people will want to hear. I dunno. He also seems to have bizzare taste in audio quality at times.

What really gets my goat is that I can never quite escape the impression that Hurwitz has decided what to say about a work way before he even saw the CD. If you happen to agree with him, that can be quite satisfying even if a little self-indulgent. But if you happen to know one of two things about the music, some of his ill-considered judgments can be immensely irritating. Worse still, he appears to suffer from the thing we always moan about in the Penguin guide and their ilk: prejudice. On the other hand, one has to grant him that he usually knows his stuff. How he applies it is another thing.

Alan Howe

Yes, quite, Mark. Martin Anderson definitely knows what he's talking about. After all, he's founded Toccata for the likes of us...!


Correction, Malcolm (Calum) MacDonald &  Michael Oliver,mainly because he gave lot's of good reviews to neglected composers back in the dark old days when Bantock,Scott,Bowen,and all those other neglected composers were still just names in musty old books or battered old off air cassettes. I remember he was very kind to the Marco Polo & Symposium cds of Holbrooke,for example,which were,at the time,with all their shortcomings,(legion!),valuable releases. (Hopefully,it won't be too long before I'm putting CPO's Holbrooke Vol 2 on my cd player.)
Macdonald,of course is in another category,a campaigner!


'Theatre of Blood',is,of course,the movie where Vincent Price treats his critics to gruesome Shakespearean deaths.Not that I was suggesting that Andrew Clements should be forced to consume his own pet dog, or, cat (even if he has one)...............