Afanasiev, Borodin. Rachmaninov, and Rimsky-K:Works for String Quartet on MD&G

Started by kyjo, Wednesday 08 August 2012, 03:27

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I thought members might be interested to know that MD&G will be releasing a CD of mostly rare (except the Borodin) Russian music for string quartet played by the Leipzig String Quartet. The program of the CD is as follows:
Nikolai Afanasiev (1820-1898): Quartet for Strings "Volga" (24'17)
Rimsky Korsakov: Chorale and Variations (4'35) and Fugue "In the Monastery" from the String Quartet No. 2 (7'11) (Why does the darn rest of the quartet never get recorded >:(?)
Rachmaninov: Romanze. Andante espressivo (6'03) and Scherzo. Allegro (5'57)
Borodin: String Quartet no.2 in D Major (28'17) (say no more :( ::))
I assume most people here will want this for the Afansiev but will moan about the Borodin. I'm putting it on my want list, though :).