Humphrey Searle(1915-1982)

Started by Dundonnell, Saturday 14 January 2012, 20:34

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You are obviously referring to William Grant Still ;D

I have all five of his symphonies; pleasant works, not earth-shattering although remarkable in the context of the man and the breakthrough his work as composer and conductor represented for Afro-American classical music in the USA.

Robert Still merits a separate thread ;D


Bumping this old thread. Does anyone have any information regarding an old Argo LP (ATC1002, according to the score) of Humphrey Searle's Piano Sonata, played by Gordon Watson? I've been going crazy trying to find anything on it, but it seems to have been promptly deleted after its release. It looks like a very interesting work from the score and I'd love to hear it.


lescamil, since UC has re-opened your query is slightly outside the new remit, concentrating on romantic era music.
You may be successful by asking here:

Alan Howe

Yes, this is now beyond UC's new remit, so I'm locking the thread.