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Also, regarding Schmidt-Kowalski

Started by eschiss1, Sunday 03 February 2013, 14:30

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there seems to be a 304-page dissertation in PDF form downloadable online about his music, with an appendix with music examples and analyses  (including the last movement of the first string sextet)  (written a few years ago, so not up-to-date of course; and in German... but still...) - especially if you have a program with OCR capabilities + translator then even if you don't read German, you can get -something- out of such a thing, more or less and give or take... so- might be interesting, if well done... I don't have the URL offhand (will try to get it) but searching for it should turn up a workable link. (The local title of the PDF is diss_eisfeld.pdf .) The beginning of the title of the dissertation is

Thomas Schmidt-Kowalski, ein romantischer Komponist an der Wende zum 21. Jahrhundert
(by) Ursula Eisfeld


(the string sextet became a Fantasy for string orchestra op.86 in three movements "after op.45" in 2000, this says. That's also interesting...)

Alan Howe


Happy to. :)
(Eric who started using the web around 1993 (and its predecessors a few years before) and is still... amazed by the neat stuff one finds there, speaking more generally.)

Mark Thomas

Not having read this thread first, I've just posted about the catalogue on the New Recordings board S-K thread, but will leave it there for the record.


Thank you for uploading this remarkable piece. It displays so powerfully that even now, romantic tonal music can be written which is fresh, creative and melodious.  :)

One website attributes the following statement to him: "Romance is a timeless phenomenon. It is anchored in human life, and not a part of stored history of music. "I can't vouch for the translation but I certainly agree with it!

Would anyone recommend the Naxos recordings of his symphonies?


Wholeheartedly! The Symphonies are simply beautiful.

Mark Thomas


Well, that's loud and clear - thanks.
I can't understand how I've missed them.  ::)

Alan Howe

The message is: grab any S-K recording you can...