Prince Charles on Sir Hubert Parry

Started by John H White, Monday 11 February 2013, 17:59

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John H White

Having been away from the forum for a few days, I was most surprised that nobody had said anything about the Prince of Wales's very interesting programme on Parry which went out on BBC 4 from 7.30 to 9.00 pm on Friday 8th February. With the aid of various musicians, musicologists  and conductors including Anthony Paine, he gave a pretty comprehensive survey of Parry's choral music and life story and especially featured  the 5th Symphony. I was particularly interested to hear that Prince Charles enjoyed playing his Cello in ensemble with family and friends when he was young, as I am myself now studying that instrument in my 80's.

Alan Howe

It was a repeat, John, so folk may have seen it before. Nevertheless, as you suggest, it was an excellent introduction to the composer.

Here's a link back to a previous discussion:,853.0.html


The programme is available via the BBC iPlayer for four more days. Unfortunately this service doesn't work outside the UK.

John H White

Many thanks gentlemen. I must have been asleep the first time round. :)


So we can rest assured that the next coronation will still feature 'I was Glad', and not some of the awful 'pop' that the jubilee concert consisted of!