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Unsung Austrian composers

Started by Balapoel, Wednesday 27 February 2013, 08:59

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Quote from: eschiss1 on Wednesday 27 February 2013, 20:58
Not sure re the symphonies. I recall a recording of a Requiem and a shorter choral work (and perhaps also a symphony no.4 in D minor with organ- maybe that was someone else entirely... - no, not Rangstrom!) by a friend of Schubert's, that was reviewed middling-well in Fanfare years back, but it seems not to have been Huttenbrenner- that, or it disappeared without a suspicion of a trace?
That Symphony No. 4 in D minor with organ rings a bell.  I believe it's by Johann Herbeck, the conductor of the Vienna Philharmonic Society who discovered Schubert's Unfinished Symphony.


I thought Huttenbrenner was the fellow who had the Unfinished in his collection - oh, they were both involved in its stories and travails. Yes, Herbeck rings a loud loud bell. Thanks! (And Sullivan with the only other symphony by Schubert to circulate in the 19th century to my knowledge, the late C major. From 2 to ... er... if we count no.7, should we count some of the other very nearly complete such works by Schubert (and others)... ... erm. (Actually, that's not an easy question anyway.)


I believe it was Schumann who discovered the Great C Major Symphony and arranged for its premiere, with Mendelssohn conducting.  Josef Hüttenbrenner alerted Herbeck to the existence of the Unfinished in Anselm's collection of MS bequeathed to him by Schubert.


hrm. "Sullivan and Grove rediscovered seven of Schubert's symphonies" - ?. Ok, that, if true... (though I expect 6: nos.1-6, not 1-7, are meant, as no.7 for ages referred to the C major, and I don't know who "rediscovered" the fragmentary E major (before Weingartner's orchestration - so sometime before that, perhaps...), but still...) I think the first six symphonies were published, perhaps first published, in the Schubert edition in the 1880s, and perhaps Sullivan and Grove did have something to do with that- will have to investigate... ?. but yes. a far ways off from Unsung composers, though there is a conceptual connection (how do we find these things and make them known and promote them) but that's a rather ... broad connection- if one worth discussing (more; we have of course!) very seriously in detail, hearing from people with experience and at length in an appropriate thread- and not just the promotion once we have the scores and parts part, either :)... erm... anyways... I ramble. Again.


Not ramble.... No. I felt I was reading one of the more lucid CPO booklet excerpts!  :)


Schumann found the Schubert 7th/9th in, I believe 1839 or so.  It was first performed, albeit probably badly cut in, I believe 1844, but check me on that.