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Walter Braunfels from Dutton

Started by BFerrell, Tuesday 25 June 2013, 03:19

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Already "in the can" for Dutton is Braunfels' Op.21 Piano Concerto and the Scottish Fantasie for Viola & Orchestra. I would think an October release.

Alan Howe

Oh, splendid (and unexpected) news! Thank you Tapiola!

Thankfully Braunfels seems to be gaining greater attention thanks to a number of first rate recordings and performances (at least in Germany). Dreadful to think of the fame he had gained until the 1930s and then the plunge into invisibility. I first encountered his music a few years ago when I heard the late String Quintet - and in my view anyone who doesn't appreciate that work doesn't deserve to have ears! Ever since I've been snapping up every Braunfels recording that has appeared, and wonderful they are.

Alan Howe

Quote from: on Tuesday 25 June 2013, 08:53
...the late String Quintet - and in my view anyone who doesn't appreciate that work doesn't deserve to have ears!

Well, obviously I don't. As with a number of the late, late romantics of the first half of the twentieth century, I find Braunfels' (later) idiom just too restlessly chromatic and unattractive. It's like hearing romanticism go slowly to seed...

I'm hoping that the much earlier PC will be more to my taste.

Mark Thomas

I very much enjoy the Straussian pre-1930s Braunfels, but then I'm afraid that I switch off. Were it not for the earlier stuff, I'd say that he didn't really fit here, but I won't hold his later works against him!

Alan Howe

I've just ordered the Grosse Messe (early 1920s). Much more my kind of stuff.


Jeez, Alan.  ::) The things I could say. Braunfels' String Quintet is an absolute masterpiece of the first order.  I assume you also dislike late Beethoven.

Mark Thomas

Please, let's refrain from criticising each other's likes and dislikes. It's art; taste is such a personal thing and there's no obligation on anyone to like/dislike anything.

Alan Howe

Quote from: Tapiola on Tuesday 25 June 2013, 19:12
The things I could say. Braunfels' String Quintet is an absolute masterpiece of the first order.  I assume you also dislike late Beethoven.

Nope, I love late Beethoven. But that's got nothing at all to do with late Braunfels. As Mark has said, I just don't like the convoluted and over-ripe chromaticism of the latter's late music.


For anyone wanting a preview of the these two pieces before Dutton release the CDs, they are being broadcast next week on R3's Afternoon Performance - Monday afternoon for the Viola Fantasy and Thursday afternoon for the Piano Concerto.

Alan Howe