Fibich Symphonic Poems from Naxos

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 03 June 2014, 12:33

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This is going to be true of something on the order of 99.999944% of all composers, if one takes the statement literally and as-said...

Alan Howe

Quite, Eric.
Fibich is a very fine and worthwhile composer whose works should be heard; but Dvorak belongs to the ranks of the very great. That's simply reality - and we do a disservice to both composers to claim otherwise.


I've added an audio track to the Fibich review which is fine with Naxos providing I'm including it in talking about there material. Perhaps this will introduce you to his style and orchestration.

My third and final review of the Naxos/Fibich series of newer recordings. I was quite pleased with the recording.


The person who came closest to summing up, for me, the sense that while we really enjoyed playing the quintet, it just wasn't, say, the Schumann, was the violinist, who remarked "He just doesn't have a dark side, does he?"

The Schumann contains flashes of an almost heartbreaking quality in the midst of its rejoicing, while the Fibich is a long and passionate love song from one end to the other.

Great horn part, though.


i'll have to seek out the quintet


I've heard the piano quintet, I think, but not his other chamber works yet (2 string quartets, a piano quartet, e.g.) though they have been recorded...


Received the Chandos recording of the third symphony of Fibich. As I type I'm having a listen. It seems to be a bit darker than the others.