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Poul Schierbeck – Symphony

Started by Wheesht, Friday 10 October 2014, 19:28

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While UC usually somehow makes me want to spend money on new CDs, I am also occasionally inspired to listen again to something I already have. The recently discussed Meredtih Willson symphonies are a case in point, and another example is Poul Schierbeck's only symphony on Danacord, recorded in 1993 with Ilya Stupel conducting the Artur Rubinstein State Philharmonic Orchestra. Does anyone else here know this work and recording? What do you think of it?

Gerhard Griesel

Thank you to Wheest for that valuable hint.

I am listening to the Youtube version, and it is delightful music. The prominent, robust brass is a characteristic of the first movement. I see the same version is available as a CD on Amazon - unfortunately at a price, when shipped to South Africa, is equal to two to three days' wages for most people.

Alan Howe

It's a tremendous piece. Vital, energetic, exciting.


I've heard of it- I remember the Fanfare review of the CD and should seek out that YouTube to get a listen, since I've been intrigued for some time now by the whole review really (and the prospect, too, I gather, of a good, worth hearing, unknown composer who studied under Carl Nielsen...)