Brun Piano Concerto on Guild

Started by Sharkkb8, Thursday 22 May 2014, 19:47

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I posted the update below over in the "Composers & Music" forum, where the announcement had been made about the PC recording, but thought it might deserve its own thread here in this category....who will win the race for the first acquisition,  hearing, and review?!   ;)

Looks like the aforementioned Brun PC is now available!   :D


Alan Howe


Thanks, Alan & Sharkkb8  :)
Once again, I offer a high quality 5-minute's slideshow of our Piano Concerto sessions with a musical excerpt to members in here who give me their e-mail address. This 107MB file will be sent via


Dear hadrianus

   You are very kind for sent this fragment. I love in México, I saw this Cd in Europe, I think so that arrive very soon to EUA, where I buy frecuently pieces. Please send to my Mail the musical excerpt

Congratulations for this new release from You!

You made the Lazzari Symphonie in Marco Polo?


Hi Aramiarz, thanks for your interest. Yes, I did the Lazzari Symphony - and some 29 other odd Marco Polo/Naxos CDs  8).
A second Lazzari CD was approved, then cancelled - as many other of my "past" projects on those labels.
Will send you the Brun Piano Concerto slideshow right away. You will get a download invitation from - the file is too big for a direct email transfer


Dear Hadrianus, thank you very much!!! I have some cd's from you. It's very important your rescue!!! What Lazzari's works were in the second cd? It's very sad that was cancelled!!! I'm searching Faust but Durand-Salabert don't have it!!! They have some problems with any editorial. Have you the Rhapsodie for violin and orchestra??? What works do you like to do?? What composers? All the best!!


Of Lazzari, has there ever been another recording of his string quartet? (Though I haven't heard the one that there -has- been- I just have the parts and think the work deserves more than the one recording ;) - so, just asking, I suppose- couldn't hurt.)

Looking forward to hearing the Brun concerto and more works by him.


Of the String Quartet there was only one with the Arcana Quartet as far as I remember - I never managed to get it. And of his Trio (coupled with his Violin Sonata), there are two; one on ARION and another on TIROL KULTUR (difficult to get).


Hi Aramiarz, sorry for replying so late; I had lost this thread fom my mind...
About that second Lazzari CD: I had intended to record his symphonic poem "Effet de Nuit" - but right at that time Michel Plasson had recorded it on his French Symphonic poem anthology. "Marche pour une Fête Joyeuse" and the Prelude to the opera "Armor" would also have figured, plus a ballet Suite, extracted by myself from his opera "Maelenis". A later recording would have included all of his songs with orchestral accompaniment. Theses scores are all here with me. Tempi passati, as we Italian say :(


For those who are interested in my recording of Fritz Brun's complete works for piano and orchestra:
My promotional slideshow with session photos and a musical excerpt can now be viewed at:
This CD is now figuring on the list of MusicWeb's Recordings of the Year 2014.
Regards to all from Switzerland

Alan Howe


Re:  Lazzari - I believe there is, at least, one other recording of his String Quartet.  This is by the Paris String Quartet, on a Chant du Monde disc (278.807), and coupled with Lalo's Op. 45 String Quartet (revision of his first String Quartet).


That was the recording I am (pardon tense-change) aware of, I think.  Now I think I'm wondering what the ... erm... other other recording is... ah. Arcana Quartet, I see ... hrm.

The finale seems to be one of those major-mode but returns to the minor mode of the first movement things (without even a hint of Picardy-third for a final chord - Bax's G minor quintet, though its finale begins in a rustling mysterious minor, is something of an example of this too (a very good one I think)) that I imagine appealed to (me and) a certain (balladic?) way of looking at things :)


I'm glad, the piano concert arrive to USA. I will order of