Radio programme on Rufinatscha 3

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 16 February 2015, 20:26

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Alan Howe

This Sunday (22nd February) at 8 pm local time (Radio Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy):


Another station I should consider looking at more generally anyway, thanks. And that sounds like an interesting program. Started (didn't finish, again, but will- not its fault!!!) listening to his B minor symphony again- remarkable!! Very glad to have been introduced to his music at last.

Alan Howe

It is a remarkable work, Eric. Do start a new thread on it if you feel so moved. I for one would greatly appreciate reading your thoughts...


Is there a way to retrieve this program now? 



Yes, would love to hear a repeat or archived broadcast if that's possible. Didn't realize until too late that "local time" was six hours earlier and across the Atlantic!