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Roman Statkowski piano music

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 05 August 2015, 12:37

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Alan Howe


No Roamin' in the gloamin', surely ;)

Thanks, I'd never heard of him

Gareth Vaughan


Roman Statkowski, not Roam. 1859-1925.

A recording of a string quartet of his (#5 in E minor. I thought it rather good...) was uploaded here awhile back (I think an opera, too?...), and another (#1 in F major) is in instrumental parts @ IMSLP.

On the basis of the 5th quartet I'd be interested in hearing the other 5 (I _think_ there are 6 in all, anyway...) and other extended works of his. I've only heard it- 2 or 3 times?- so far but thought it impressively done both melodically and formally/in terms of pace, etc. etc. (practically always essential in music, of course, but very noticeable in a variations finale :) )

Alan Howe

QuoteNo Roamin' in the gloamin', surely

Just my typing fingers on the roam, I'm afraid.