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Samuil Feinberg Piano Sonatas

Started by 4candles, Monday 25 November 2019, 12:47

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Some members may be interested to note that Hyperion are to release the first 6 of Feinberg's Piano Sonatas in March 2020, played by Marc-André Hamelin.
I would venture this is quite a highly anticipated release – I have certainly been waiting for it for some time.

Currently one excerpt available here.

Alan Howe

I suspect, sadly, that not all of this release will fall within our remit. We'll see...


Ah! Of course. I've neglected to remember the forum guidelines. Apologies. Delete as necessary mods.

Alan Howe

No to worry. Let's keep this open until we've established the facts. Maybe the early sonata(s) will fit...


I heard the BIS set many years ago so I don't remember very clearly but my impression was that the earlier ones were in a (late) Scriabin idiom. As they progress they get more chromatic and abstract.

Alan Howe