Arthur Dennington: Piano quintet

Started by violinconcerto, Saturday 24 October 2015, 13:15

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I recently bought the original manuscript of the piano quintet by British composer Arthur Dennington (1904-1988). I typeset the music into the computer and created a pdf-score which now can be downloaded from my website. The quintet dates from 1923 and is a charming work which should fit into the "romantic criterion" of this forum. I hope that someone is interested enough to take a look into the score, it can be found here:

Surprisingly Arthur Dennington is nearly unknown today, but was the founder of the famous Modern Symphony Orchestra, an London-based amateur orchestra which was that good that it premiered several important compositions like the British premiere of Stravinsky's 1947 revision of Petrushka or the first public performance of the Nursery songs by Alan Rawsthorne. I created both Wikipedia articles about Arthur Dennington and the Modern Symphony Orchestra, if anyone requires more information:

Wikipedia: Arthur Dennington
Wikipedia: Modern Symphony Orchestra

Of course I would love to hear the work in a real performance, so if anyone has an idea where and how to spread the news about this composition, I would be delighted to know.



I now started to create some youtube "videos" to the scores I uploaded on my website. They only contain the audio midi realisation part and a picture, but maybe someone is more interested to listen to this realisation than take a look into the score. For those please go to:

youtube: Dennington - Piano quintet
