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Pössinger: Violin Concerto

Started by mikehopf, Thursday 30 March 2017, 23:02

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Pössinger was a friend of Beethoven and wrote this concerto in 1805.

It's a lively tuneful work much in the Haydn/Mozart mode. Pity about the coupling.

Title: Violin Concertos
Composer: Beethoven | Possinger
Artist: Anton Steck, L'arpa festante, Matthew Halls
Label: Accent


Agreed- that happens too often, I think.

I expect the people who decide these things will then blame Pössinger if this neither fish nor fowl coupling fails to sell either to a niche market (which might prefer, say- example only- Krommer's D minor concerto Op.61, at a guess to Beethoven's D major) or to any other. (I agree that the violinist may have made the decision- who wants to learn two new works for a recording rather than one? - well, apparently the people who record for Hyperion's Romantic Piano Concerto series are willing to... but - hrrrmmm.)

This is allegedly in some really odd, tentative, stretching-it!! sense the "original version" of the Beethoven D major - see for example - but still.

(And I say this as someone who _is_ interested in the earlier versions of Beethoven's piano concertos and - especially!!!! - the revised version of Mendelsson's A major symphony, which has struck me greatly when I've heard one of the recordings.)

Alan Howe

My reaction to the excerpts of the Pössinger at jpc is, I'm afraid, 'yuck' - horrible, thin-toned, dubiously tuned violin playing of the sort that sets my teeth on edge. I might have been interested in this, but the soloist rules it out for me. A shame.

Mark Thomas

Eeuw, that really is a painful listen! What on earth were Accent thinking? I suppose they commited to releasing the CD before hearing the recording. Beware!

Alan Howe

It's this HIP fetish again. Apparently it doesn't matter that the soloist is slithering around all over the place, assaulting our ears, as long as it's authentic.  >:( >:( >:( - and I don't generally do emojis...