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Novak: Piano Concerto

Started by Revilod, Saturday 02 March 2019, 12:31

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I see from this month's "Gramophone" ( P. 11) that Supraphon will be recording Novak's fine if early and rather uncharacteristic piano concerto in May for release in the first half of next year. Great news as long as you don't mind acquiring another recording of Schumann's concerto.


Suk's early music's fairly popular and other early works by Novák have been recorded from around the time of this piano concerto (1895) including at least some of the following- the Serenade in F (from 1894-5, sometimes but I think incorrectly given Op.9- which actually belongs to an unrelated brief collection of "Serenades" for piano solo), the first piano trio in G minor (1892), piano quartet (1894/99), piano quintet (1896/7), first quartet (1899) and his Op.4 for piano of 1893...

Alan Howe

It's a very nice piece. Thanks for pointing this out.

Gareth Vaughan

It certainly is a nice piece, but the logic of coupling it with Schumann's PC entirely escapes me. There is no connection whatsoever.

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

If it is it is very old-fashioned marketing! If I wanted to buy a CD of the Schumann why would I want it coupled with a PC by a relatively unsung Czech composer writing several decades later? If I wanted to buy the Novak, I've probably got the Schumann already!

Martin Eastick

The correct and most apt coupling for the Novak must surely be Karel Kovarovic's F minor Concerto Op6! Perhaps Hyperion should be considering this! However, I will certainly be buying this but will probably never bother with the Schumann.............


I disagree with both. A better coupling for the Novák is the Dvorak piano concerto. Not anywhere nearly as many people already have recordings of the Dvorak (it's still his least-recorded concerto, though more recorded than it used to be) as have recordings of the Schumann, 1. There's actually a _connection_ between the composers, 2. It's more likely to sell and would I think be rightly regarded as less of a niche item than the Kovarovic, 3...


Actually this a heavensent opportunity to couple the Novak concerto with the robust pianism of the equally neglected Karel Kovarovic concerto which is in no way inferior to the Schumann concerto:

< >   Kovarovic concerto

< >  Novak concerto

Warmest Regards, JP  ;)

Gareth Vaughan

There was a rumour at one time, Eric - oh, years ago now - that Hyperion was considering the very coupling you suggest, possibly with Leslie Howard. But it came to nothing.

Martin Eastick

Whilst I accept that the Dvorak piano concerto would be a far more suitable coupling than the Schumann, I still maintain that the Kovarovic is more desirable - I would even suggest that it is a more attractive work than Dvorak's, and, furthermore, if Hyperion were to commit to such a project, the ongoing reputation of the RPC series would surely guarantee a definite winner! In fact, having just listened again to the Kovarovic, I wouldn't be surprised if such a CD would rival some of their most successful releases in this wonderful series, and, at the same time, positively answering any would-be criticisms that such a well of inspiration was beginning to dry up!

Gareth Vaughan

As you know, Martin, I am in complete agreement. Perhaps we could both prompt Simon Perry again on this coupling.

Alan Howe

That'd make a fabulous CD, I agree.

Martin Eastick

Many thanks, Gareth! I will certainly remind SP when I next speak with him!


I wouldn't complain whether it was coupled with the Dvorak or the Kovarovic. For me it would be a 'must buy' in either case. The more Novak, the better!  :)