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Beethoven Rarity

Started by mikehopf, Saturday 12 September 2020, 00:30

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Tonight on Radio 4 Netherlands:

A special surprise is the world premiere of two completely unknown arias from Beethoven's opera torso Vestas Feuer (1803). Just like the concert, these are set in the context of René Seghers' 401DutchOperas handbook Part I. That should be published next year and will provide the definitive answer to the question whether or not Beethoven was born in Zutphen? In the context of that research, Seghers realized his own 401DutchOperas reconstruction of Vestas Feuer with the Alkmaar composer Cees Nieuwenhuizen. The premiere of the complete torso with orchestra should take place in June next year. In conclusion, highlights from the first Frisian opera, a long-lost work by Jean des Communes: 't Dorp in het bergte (c. 1812). In two hours you will hear how the completely unknown Dutch opera history undergoes enormous development between 1685 and 1812. The program is full of beautiful music in purely world premieres of own reconstructions, which took years to complete.