Erich Wolfgang Korngold finally receives his due....

Started by brendangcarroll, Tuesday 13 August 2019, 14:43

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Good to know! I had heard this was Korngold's La Rondine.



Thanks. Whew... and I've heard it also like Lehar's Giuditta! Have to listen this.

Alan Howe

Unfortunately the cpo recording of Die Kathrin is spoilt by the widely acknowledged dreadful singing of tenor David Rendall, wide vibrato and all. This lovely work badly needs a better recording.

I'm very glad to hear about the multiple planned performances of K's earlier operas. I don't find them second-rate or unworthy of being performed. But that doesn't mean I have to accord them 'masterpiece status'. They're somewhere in between - IMHO, of course.


The CPO recording of Die Kathrin was taken straight from the BBC broadcast performance (no retakes - just exactly as it went out, live). It was a huge problem at the time for many reasons; the orchestral materials (not used or examined since 1950!) were a complete mess (missing pages, errors galore etc) , the original record company withdrew at the last minute and casting was a nightmare once adequate funding vanished with the record company.

The BBC and CPO stepped in and saved it from being cancelled altogether. Poor David Randall was a last minute replacement and had a terrible head cold the night it was recorded. He had no time to learn the role and if I recall, there were just 2 full rehearsals. Given all that, it was astonishing that it came together at all.

Without these people, we would have no recording at all so we must make allowances. I also hope that one day, it will be done again under happier circumstances and with the full resources it deserves.

Alan Howe

I'm sorry to hear about the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the recording of Die Kathrin. What a shame. It'd be great to have another recording.