Emil Hartmann Chamber works on Dacapo

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 22 August 2019, 12:01

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Alan Howe

Forthcoming (November 2019):

Emil Hartmann
/8.226183 – Kammermusik
Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider, Justus Grimm, Tony Nys, Daniel Blumenthal
https://www.dacapo-records.dk/en/udgivelser/kommende (foot of webpage)

See also:

The main focus this year has been the work to finish  "Emil Hartmann Project".The editing and recording of manuscripts of unknown chamber-music has been a revelation and joy. I have worked with my wonderful colleagues from Thy Chamber Music Festival (thychambermusicfestival.dk), Belgian musicians: violist Tony Nys, cellist Justus Grimm, pianist Daniel Blumenthal - with the wonderful addition of Belgian violinist Nicolas Dupont , who will also join the Thy Festival this summer (August 12-25).

The CD will be released by the Danish label dacapo with planned release date: 19th of November at 4.30 PM in Unitarernes Hus on Dag Hammerskjólds Alle. My colleagues come to Denmark to perform and all-Hartmann concert in Taastrup Musikforening on 18/11 at 19.30 PM and in the revered Natmandsforening.


One of the works being performed at the Thy Chamber Music Festival is Hartmann's Piano Quintet - with:
Daniel Blumenthal, piano, Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider, violin 1, Peter Andreas Nielsen, violin 2, Clement Jean Holvoet, viola, Kacper Nowak, cello

Mark Thomas

This is excellent news, and it would be even better if the "Emil Hartmann Project" also embraced modern recordings of the symphonies.

Alan Howe

Quite - although thus far I have found Emil to be a rather pale shadow of his father, Johan Peter Emilius.


Yes, good news. Apart from his Serenade Op.24, and his Piano Trio, Op.10 (recordings of both can be heard on YT), the chamber music doesn't get much of an outing. And, yes, let's hope the symphonies are in their sights, too. I just have downloads that are labelled 'ex-Danish radio' - perhaps ex- UC.

Martin Eastick

Although no sound-bites as yet, this would seem to be well worth following up!..................https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/chamber-music/hnum/9504848


This is probably the same as this thread, though jpc's different "Bestellen-nr" can be accounted for by the possibility that they may be offering a SACD version (9.######) as against a CD (8.######).

Alan Howe

Thanks, Eric. I've duly merged the two threads.