Theodor Fröhlich – Piano Quartet and Piano Sonata on Koramant Records

Started by Wheesht, Sunday 23 May 2021, 19:40

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Koramant Records in Basel, Switzerland have released Theodor Fröhlich's Piano Quartet in D minor and Piano Sonata in A major in a a HIP recording. Clicking on "Kaufen oder bestellen" will take you to a page where both the CD and a "Digital Edition" can be bought. It's not mentioned what the format of the latter is, though.

Alan Howe

Not for me, I'm afraid. I'd rather it weren't HIP.

Don't understand why the dates '1803' and '1805' appear by the details of each work.


The quartet is from 1835, and the piano sonata might be his Op.11 published around 1833...


Just checked the back cover on the website: it is the sonata op.11 and the dates given are 1835 and 1831 respectively.
