Adolf Jensen Piano Music vol. 2, from Toccata

Started by Sharkkb8, Sunday 25 July 2021, 00:44

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Volume 2 from Toccata, this one includes a sonata and several multi-movement pieces.  Appears on Amazon, both UK and USA, but "currently unavailable" or "temporarily out of stock".  Don't see it yet at Presto.

Per Toccata's "Pipeline": 

Präludium und Romanze, Op. 19
Sonate, Op. 25
Impromptu, Op. 37
Scènes carnevalesques, Op. 56, Book 2 (Nos. 11–18)
Ricordanza (Etude, published 1880)

Erling Ragnar Eriksen

First recordings

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

A definite purchase for me.

Excerpts here, including the large-scale Piano Sonata in F#minor, Op.25 (pub.1864):

Mark Thomas

This is a welcome prospect. Toccata really does do a splendid job.


Yes, congratulations to Toccata for these. Fine music, indeed.

Alan Howe

The 37-minute Piano Sonata is the thing here. While not being in the progressive Liszt's camp, Jensen's Sonata certainly spans a wide range of moods, with the searching, introspective passages in the opening and slow movements being particularly noteworthy.

This is just sort of thing that Martin Anderson does so well - even if I'm not convinced that this is really important music.