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Error message when posting

Started by Wheesht, Saturday 02 March 2024, 14:52

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Over the past couple of weeks I sometimes got the error message below when I clicked on 'Unread Posts' or tried to post something myself. Could it be a login problem, and has anyone else come across this message? It has become more frequent recently.

QuoteNot Acceptable!

An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

Mark Thomas

I'm sorry, Thomas, I haven't come across this myself and have absolutely no idea what this means. Has anyone else seen this message and, if so, can they give me the context of it being generated so that I can investigate it?


Thank you, Mark. I think I may have found out what it could be: I normally use a VPN (ExpressVPN) and perhaps there is something there that makes the VPN and the UC website somewhat incompatible. I never had this problem until a couple of weeks ago, though, so UC worked fine with the VPN on.
I could also try getting support from ExpressVPN, I have found their customer service to be just that, real customer service. Failing that, I will have to remember to de-activate the VPN before posting...

Mark Thomas

I've done some digging Thomas and, as you suspect, it appears to be an error generated when using a VPN and particularly if you're using Google Chrome as your browser. It's actually not generated by the UC software (a standard forum called Simple Machines SMF 2.1.4) but by the hosting server itself. As such, there's nothing I can do and I'm sorry that I can't be of any more help at this end.


Thank you, Mark. I can live with having to de-activate the VPN but I'll contact the folks at ExpressVPN anyway.