Yet more from Steve's Bedroom Band

Started by eschiss1, Thursday 03 March 2011, 17:54

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Had to, they do (he does) good work.

The two most recent uploads I know of -
Jan Brandts Buys (1868-1939, Dutch)'s 1917 string sextet op.40  (3 violins, 2 violas, cello) in D major

Riccardo Pick-Mangiagalli (1882-1949, Italian)'s 1910-or-so string quartet (not PD-EU)  in G minor op.18

Neither commercially recorded to my knowledge, though both composers have had other chamber works recorded (a serenade by Brandts-Buys; and some pieces for string quartet by Pick-Mangiagalli were on a 1950s LP with, I think, quartets by Respighi (I believe) and Malipiero --- not positive at the moment, more sure about the Malipiero (his 7th, I think.), have to look that up again...)

Also (edit) forgot to mention this one, perhaps because I haven't heard it (non-PD-US under present law until 2025). String Quartet in F major (first performed 1916 and published posthumously 1929, I think) by Charles Wood (1866-1926), one of Tippett's teachers. (A performance of Wood's quartet in D major can also be found. The quartet in A minor is or was once on an ASV CD as part of a recreation of the concert in which Tippett's 5th string quartet was premiered.)


Many thanks for this update on the activity of Steve's intrepid Bedroom Band (, who seem to be cornering the market in obscure British string quartets including some of the myriad such pieces by John Lodge Ellerton (

Except for his church music, Charles Wood's compositions are rarely heard now, which is a great pity. The string quartets are highly accomplished works which deserve the attention of an enterprising record company - the A minor quartet was recorded by the Lindsays on