Pejačević Symphony & Piano Concerto

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 31 March 2022, 18:07

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Mark Thomas

Yes, I agree. Nelsons can be patchy nowadays. We used to see him regularly when he conducted the City of Birmingham Symphony, succeeding Oramo, and in those days his performances were uniformly fresh and exciting. Audiences loved him. Maybe he now spends too much time in the air?

Alan Howe

I think he's taken on some repertoire too early; Bruckner needs a much more experienced hand than, say, Richard Strauss and he's been found out. However, Pejacevic probably suits him down to the ground and I'm guessing that his forthcoming big box (7-CDs) of Strauss recordings will be quite something.

Alan Howe

The new Chandos CD is certainly terrific. Magnificent sound and playing from all concerned. It'll be interesting to see whether this kick-starts a wider re-appraisal of Pejačević's music.

Alan Howe

I do hope, though, that Nelsons is given the chance to record the Symphony. It may prove the best yet...