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Orchestra's dress code

Started by giles.enders, Saturday 14 May 2011, 10:32

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Quote from: Paul Barasi on Saturday 28 May 2011, 22:50
Can we honesty expect a top performance from an orchestra whose dress code is too hot to play well in? Who are they dressing up for anyway?  I go concert for the music.

I don't care what the performers wear, but I do get annoyed by middle aged ladies who talk during the music.

Lionel Harrsion

Quote from: Hovite on Sunday 12 June 2011, 13:03
Quote from: Paul Barasi on Saturday 28 May 2011, 22:50
Can we honesty expect a top performance from an orchestra whose dress code is too hot to play well in? Who are they dressing up for anyway?  I go concert for the music.

I don't care what the performers wear, but I do get annoyed by middle aged ladies who talk during the music.

Agreed.  They should be taken out and shot.  And the same goes for people of either gender or any age who talk during the music.

Gareth Vaughan

I once attended a concert at the Festival Hall where a woman's mobile phone rang during the performance. Instead of looking embarrassed and switching it off at once she proceeded to answer the call! Had I been sitting nearer it would have been very hard to resist the impulse to seize it from her and crush it under my shoe.


I cannot think why but it is illegal for any premises to block mobile phone signals.  This even applies to prisons where prisoners are not allowed to have them.  If people who attend music events are that important,  they should stick to buying the CD and stay at home to await their next vital call!

Gareth Vaughan

Hear, hear!

QuoteI cannot think why but it is illegal for any premises to block mobile phone signals.
I didn't know that. When, some years ago, I used to attend quarterly meetings of the Executive Committee of the Order of St Lazarus at Grosvenor House, the Duke of Westminster's London offices, mobile phones could not receive signals beyond the foyer. I wonder how he got away with it.

Lionel Harrsion

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 13 June 2011, 19:32
Hear, hear!

QuoteI cannot think why but it is illegal for any premises to block mobile phone signals.
I didn't know that. When, some years ago, I used to attend quarterly meetings of the Executive Committee of the Order of St Lazarus at Grosvenor House, the Duke of Westminster's London offices, mobile phones could not receive signals beyond the foyer. I wonder how he got away with it.
If one is rich enough...


Quote from: Lionel Harrsion on Monday 13 June 2011, 19:41
Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 13 June 2011, 19:32
Hear, hear!

QuoteI cannot think why but it is illegal for any premises to block mobile phone signals.
I didn't know that. When, some years ago, I used to attend quarterly meetings of the Executive Committee of the Order of St Lazarus at Grosvenor House, the Duke of Westminster's London offices, mobile phones could not receive signals beyond the foyer. I wonder how he got away with it.
If one is rich enough...
Rich may have nothing to do with it.  I usually can't get a damn thing in my office, surrounded as it is with walls full of conduit, wires and the EM interference you would expect to associate with the above... :)

Paul Barasi

Those whose interest has turned from orchestra dress to audience behaviour may be concerned at the lack of progress.  This could be from Stage Management Weekly, way back in 2004 –

" Audience fines nothing to sneeze at

Coughing and sweet wrapper crinkling at live performances may soon cost more than a withering look, if plans to introduce fines go ahead. The world's leading concert halls, opera houses and theatres are all set to introduce a revolution in audience behaviour management, it was revealed this week.

A specially conducted Stage Management survey has found that anti-social behaviour complaints at places of quality public entertainment have risen by 65% across the world over the last decade, with the Czech Republic, Mexico and Scotland topping the list. 'We must respond to consumer concerns at enjoyment erosion caused by people who simply don't recognise traditional standards of public behaviour and CCT is now the preferred option,' explained one opera house executive.

A panel producing a recommended scale of fines was tasked to report by last July but one of its members has now disclosed the penalty structure proposals. Persistent coughing or sneezing - $30, snoring, talking and other untoward disturbance - $50, mobile phone ringing - $100, with all fines to carry a double tariff for re-offending or performances being recorded. It is believed that introduction of the scheme is being delayed pending conclusion of negotiations between constitutional lawyers and lobbyists. A spokesperson for the rights groups said 'Fines for snoring through Wagner? In your dreams!' "

Mark Thomas

That'll be the 1 April 2004 issue, then?


Quote from: Paul Barasi on Saturday 18 June 2011, 00:06
snoring through Wagner?

I actually experienced just that quite recently: an elderly man on my left had a picnic and fell asleep during Das Rheingold.


I think people are allowed to fall asleep during Wagner opera especially Gotterdamerung.  What I have noticed is that since the smoking ban in public places there is a lot less coughing.  Sweet wrappers and chewing gum on the increase.

To digress, a friend who runs a pub looked forward to the smoking ban as it would put paid to blocked urinals, what was not bargained for was gum everywhere.