Nicodé orchestral work on WDR3 this Sunday

Started by Mark Thomas, Thursday 01 September 2011, 16:01

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Mark Thomas

The German radio station WDR3 will be broadcasting an unknown (to me at least) orchestral work by Nicodé during their Musikhaus programme which runs between 13:00 and 15:00 local time (12:00-14:00  in the UK). The details are:

Jean Louis Nicodé (1853-1919)

Nach Sonnenuntergang op. 37 Ein sinfonisches Stimmungsbild
NW German Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Werner Andreas Albert

"After Sunset - a symphonic mood picture" is apparently in versions for a capella men's chorus, for chorus and orchestra and for orchestra alone. I assume this broadcast to be the latter.

WDR offers various ways to listen, including two ways to get a recording - their own schedulable player or a catch-up mp3 download service.


Could someone give me a little assistance.  I went to the WDR3 website and downloaded their RadioRecorder.  Unfortunately, my German is limited to musical terms, mostly, and so I don't know how to use it.  For example, I can't find the program Mark referred to.  Their electronic program guide, which is a slick looking thing, seems to go from today to September 4th...... Maybe the catagory Konzert is the wrong place to look.  Anybody using this that can give me a hand. 

I don't suppose there's any program to translate within a program, other than copying out paragraphs and pasting them into a translator?


Mark Thomas

Jerry, it's ages since I used their own recorder and I do remember it as being rather difficult to get to grips with. Also, I don't remember the quality of it's recordings as being any better than recording the internet stream manually. Anyway, I'll have a look at it tomorrow and see if I can figure out some advice for you, always assuming no one else gets there first!

Mark Thomas

I've dug out and updated my copy of the WDR recorder. The way I have always recorded from it is to use the EPG. If you click on Sender at the top of the listing of programmes it'll sort them into the various WDR stations. Scroll down to WDR3 and then in the left hand column Starttermin look for Übermorgen (the day after tomorrow) which today is Sunday. Tomorrow it'll be Morgen and on Sunday itself Heute. The recorder adjusts for your time zone, so in my case I scroll down to 12:04 (I assume 08:04 EST or 04:04 PST) and, hey presto! you'll see the programme Musikhaus listed in the Sendereihe column. Click its Aufzeichnen button in the Aufname column on the right and the button will go green - you've scheduled a recording.

You'll need to know where the recording will be filed. On the top menu click Datei/Einstellungen... and then the System tab of the dialog that opens. You'll see the folder shown and you can change it if you want to. From memory (its ages since I've used the WDR recorder) it doesn't need to be running prior to the recording beginning but you might want to try a test run with another programme just to check that all is working as you expect it to.

Good luck. I'll be recording the programme myself too if all else fails...

Mark Thomas

Jerry, just to finish this off: I tried a test recording and it worked fine. The program doesn't need to be running before the scheduled recording time and records in the background. My only gripe is that it seems only to record in 128k mp3 format, whereas WDR 3 also has an option for a 256 k internet live internet stream, which is obviously going to give a better sound if the stream itself is clean and uninterrupted. I'll be recording from the stream on one computer and via the WDA recorder on another. Anal? Me?


Thank you, kind sir.  I'll give it a try.



One further question, have you discovered some "easy" way to find out what's being broadcast?  Other than plowing daily or weekly through all of those "cards"?

I'm set up for Sunday - we'll see how it goes.  Thanks again.


Mark Thomas

Quotehave you discovered some "easy" way to find out what's being broadcast?
Yes, I have a friend who subscribes to a German radio listings magazine who calls me if there's anything interesting (to me)! This is the first new thing there's been for quite literally months on any German radio station. I'll post from now on here if anything turns up.


Mark Thomas

My recording (from the 256k stream) has come out well and I'll post it to the downloads section later today.


I was going to post it too, but I expect your's sounds slightly better than mine.  Although to my old ears, it sounds fine.

Thanks, Mark for your help in getting this set up.  Will look forward to other things as they come along.

Maybe someone has a suggestion for me.  Of course I got the whole 2 hour program and had to cut the Nicode from it.  I figured on using my video editing software, Sony Vegas Pro 10 but strangely it would not recognize the MP3 recording even tho Windows Media Player had no trouble with it.  Neither would Roxio Creator Pro 2010's audio editor.   I got it with Movavi Video Editor and then saved it back as an mp3.  Does someone know of a good audio editor that would probably be easier to use than that?

Thanks, jerry

Mark Thomas

I use Adobe Audition, which is very pricey, but I've good reports of Audacity. My connection to Mediafire keeps falling over, so I'll try to upload Nach Sonnenuntergang later this evening when it's less temperamental.

Glad all worked well for you.

Mark Thomas

The recording is now in the Downloads board.