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Two Scottish Romantics

Started by Dundonnell, Thursday 29 September 2011, 23:03

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J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Albion on Monday 03 October 2011, 00:08That would be the BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Maurice Handford (broadcast 14/8/1978).

;D ;D ;D

Glass of water for Mr Dundonnell!


Amazing ;D ;D

Many thanks! I doubt that I will have too many such cases since I maintained a full, detailed catalogue for the first 176 of the 266 tapes ;D


Quote from: Albion on Monday 03 October 2011, 00:29
Quote from: J.Z. Herrenberg on Monday 03 October 2011, 00:17
Glass of water for Mr Dundonnell!


£292 a bottle :o :o

In Sweden three years ago three friends and I went for dinner in rather a good restaurant. I ordered the wine which, in Sweden, is very expensive. I chose a modest bottle price around £40 but made the mistake of pointing, not to my choice, but to the bottle above....priced at £160.

...and then to compound my folly not only waved away the waiter who wanted to check that I had made the right choice but ordered a second bottle.
Total cost: £320 :( :(

Fortunately my friends all chipped in...... ;D


Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 03 October 2011, 00:42I chose a modest bottle price around £40 but made the mistake of pointing, not to my choice, but to the bottle above....priced at £160.

...and then to compound my folly not only waved away the waiter who wanted to check that I had made the right choice but ordered a second bottle.
Total cost: £320 :( :(

Fortunately my friends all chipped in...... ;D

;D ;D ;D

J.Z. Herrenberg


One incomplete source to check for such things as BBC Radio Broadcast listings is The British Library Sound Archive


Quote from: Dundonnell on Monday 03 October 2011, 00:27I maintained a full, detailed catalogue for the first 176 of the 266 tapes ;D

Quote from: TerraEpon on Sunday 02 October 2011, 20:45I can't help keep wondering where people get these huge swaths of music. I know a lot of them are LP transfers, but the radio stuff...

[usual voice-over ham, you know the one] Coming soon to a cinema near you -

Raiders of the Lost Archives

[dramatic pause] ....

For crimes too horrible to mention, Dundonnell was cruelly chained to a reel-to-reel machine throughout the 1970s. Campaigns were launched and mobs camped outside the citadel waving placards bearing slogans such as "Release the Rawsthorne" and "Free the Fricker" ... at least I think that's what they say, the handwriting isn't too clear ... but to no avail - he served his time like a stoic, his ultimate goal the preservation of British music for all eternity...

THRILL as the seconds left on the tape count down and the last movement has only just reached the coda, GASP IN FEAR as the Radio Times is chewed by the dog before annotation is complete ....

[cue dramatic piece of unsung British music played by a provincial orchestra to a half-empty hall, and fade]


Gareth Vaughan

Roger Sacheverell Coke's Third PC was broadcast by the BBC in the late 1930s. I have searched for a recording of this broadcast but I imagine it was before the time when these things were committed to tape. It probably went out live and the BBC kept no record of it. If anyone knows of an amateur recording of that broadcast I would be most grateful to be informed.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Albion on Monday 03 October 2011, 09:54
[usual voice-over ham, you know the one] Coming soon to a cinema near you -

Raiders of the Lost Archives

[dramatic pause] ....

For crimes too horrible to mention, Dundonnell was cruelly chained to a reel-to-reel machine throughout the 1970s. Campaigns were launched and mobs camped outside the citadel waving placards bearing slogans such as "Release the Rawsthorne" and "Free the Fricker" ... at least I think that's what they say, the handwriting isn't too clear ... but to no avail - he served his time like a stoic, his ultimate goal the preservation of British music for all eternity...

THRILL as the seconds left on the tape count down and the last movement has only just reached the coda, GASP IN FEAR as the Radio Times is chewed by the dog before annotation is complete ....

[cue dramatic piece of unsung British music played by a provincial orchestra to a half-empty hall, and fade]

Instant classic.



Quote from: Albion on Monday 03 October 2011, 09:54he served his time like a stoic, his ultimate goal the preservation of British music for all eternity...

When he was unexpectedly granted parole in 1981, I was summarily condemned to plough the same lonely furrow. A callow youth, knowing nothing of the venerable reel, my only solace was the dodgy TDK C90 which caused many a palpitation as impending side-changes rent the broadcast in twain.
