Gade chamber works vol.3 on cpo - string quartet in F major, other works

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 21 February 2017, 13:47

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Chamber works vol.3 - probably nothing that hasn't already been recorded in BIS' series iirc (specifically: the relatively well-recorded octet in F, the string quartet in F major (incomplete, 1839-40), and a quartet movement in A minor (1836)

(both the quartet in F and the Allegro in A minor were recorded on BIS-CD-545, also coupled, as here, with the octet. That disc also had a 1837 string quintet in F minor, though, so why this disc comes out the gate less filled than its immediate competition, I'm not sure).)

(Those with streaming service access who want to hear the earlier recording can find it, for now, by keyword search @ "Gade Willkommen". (The 3-movement F major quartet is nicknamed "Willkommen und Abschied".))


I'll go for downloads of the pieces I don't have on Kontrapunkt and make a compilation CD when (if ever) CPO finish the cycle!