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Hurwitz - the back story

Started by Mark Thomas, Sunday 19 July 2020, 22:04

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Gareth Vaughan

Exactly, if you don't like a genre you shouldn't review something written in that genre (unless, of course, you have to).


I agree. But, maybe it's a case of contractual obligations, or even of 'putting food on the table'. Taking a dose of my own medicine, I'm sure music critics, even the intemperate ones like Hurwitz, have their good points.  ;D

Craig Byers

Hello, long time reader, first time commenter. David Hurwitz - whose videos I've become slightly addicted to watching - has paid a lovely, personal tribute to George Lloyd today. He focused on the glorious 5th Symphony.

Mark Thomas

Alan Howe

George Lloyd was a modern neo-romantic. Not sure whether he's entirely suitable for discussion here. Just saying...

Alan Howe

Hi Craig,

I'm really sorry, but I was reviewing the posts awaiting approval and inadvertently deleted your last message. If you would care to re-post it I'd be very grateful.

Many apologies

Alan Howe (Moderator)

Craig Byers

Hi Alan, please don't worry. I blog myself and have done exactly the same. I was just saying that I enjoy watching David H's videos because he's witty - often laugh out loud funny - and says what he means. He's turned into a consummate entertainer. He can be very bracing (i.e. wrong) - as in his extremely negative views of lieder, lieder singing, Hugo Wolf and Wagner operas - but he often hits on truths. And he champions a fair few unsung composers, from Raff to Carlos Chavez. His tendency to give Naxos and BIS a largely free pass is interesting though, especially given his links to them.

Alan Howe

Thanks! Fortunately I didn't make the same mistake twice!


Prompted by Mark's post on Hurwitz' review of Raff's Schöne Müllerin, I thought you might be interested to hear this discussion between DH and Ilya Takser, in which they discuss the state of music performance and criticism.


If DH is a champion of George Lloyd, I'll have to start being less disparaging about him (DH that is!).  ;D
Thanks for the various links...