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Widor from Dutton

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 17 April 2013, 17:46

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My copy of the CD is on its way to me. In view of all the comments made about the music, I am really looking forward to listening to it.

Mark Thomas

You won't be disappointed, Dennis, it's an absolute corker!


I have now listened to this CD several times and totally agree with the comments made by Alan and Mark regarding the description and quality of the music. A superb CD, Dutton are to be congratulated! I will be returning to this music often!


Everything I've heard by Widor, I have enjoyed, and to have these symphonies available is a delight. What I really want to know is why they have been neglected while everyone has heard his organ music. It just seems bizarre - especially since organ music (which I love) is such - shall we say - an acquired taste!

Do we know what prompted Dutton to issue their Widor recordings? I wonder if it was a response to Hyperion's recording of the piano concertos?


I've only just found out about Dutton's Volume 2, and have ordered it immediately, having spent the last 4 or so years editing and reissuing scores of Widor's complete (extant) piano works. The musical quality of the majority of it is good to excellent, and deserves to be more widely known. Only a few have been recorded to date, so maybe one day someone might be interested in recording a Widor piano intégrale; one can only hope! ;)



Today, after a long wait, I opened a package and put on the new Dutton Widor disk. Then I immediately replayed the 2nd symphony. and then again. What a marvelous, brilliantly executed work! The finale in particular: Widor really understood how to get the adrenaline running - and there is no part of the symphony that doesn't overstay its welcome. I'm beginning to think that Widor is one of the major composers who has been overlooked and neglected: everyone focuses on that Tocatta to the exclusion of some great music. I hope more of his orchestral works will be recorded, soon.


there's a fair amount of under- or just un-recorded Widor, I think- operas and ballets (e.g. Maître Ambros, Nerto; La korrigane; suites from them might do well on disc at least; there is already a suite from the incidental music to Conte d'avril Op.64 listed in the works section at Wikipedia, I see), vocal, choral works and brass works (Salvum fac populum tuum Op.84 seems to do fairly well, it's true) - etc. ... (Ouverture espagnole, 1897- I think I've seen that @ IMSLP, but not recorded?...)