More Gouvy.... More Herzogenberg.....

Started by Mark Thomas, Friday 30 October 2009, 07:45

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Mark Thomas

cpo have announced the second volumes in their Gouvy symphonies and von Herzogenberg string quartets series.

The latest Gouvy CD pairs the Symphony No.6 with the Sinfonietta - details (but no sound bites yet) here. Both works have already been broadcast on German radio and they make for enjoyable listening.

The Herzogenberg CD has the String Quartet No.1 and the String Quintet. Details (again, no excerpts yet) here.

Both CDs will be available mid-November.

Alan Howe

Lovely jubbly!

The Gouvy CD will definitely be worth having - the performances have already been broadcast and are both superb. And, shout it not too loudly, but the Sinfonietta is little short of glorious...

As for the Herzogenberg, he is a master in the field of chamber music and I will be very interested to hear his 1st String Quartet - published in 1875 between Brahms' first two quartets and his third.

Alan Howe

The Gouvy CD is an absolute gem. If friends want to experience sheer musical delight, then this CD is a way to do it. I wouldn't claim greatness for the music, but the cratsmanship is impeccable, the orchestration gorgeous, the melodies continuous and the playing and recording absloutely first-rate. A great Christmas present - otherwise buy it for yourself!

BTW, soundbites are now available at jpc if you follow the links in Mark's original posting.

A new kid on the block, but a firm believer in the principle that enthusiasms should be shared.

Bravo (as nearly always to CPO) for their Gouvy project. Keep them coming!

I've just picked up the K617 CD of Gouvy's sole Violin Sonata. If other astute members get their fingers to the keyboard quickly they will notice that Harmonia Mundi (via Amazon) are offering this CD for £3.99. A bargain indeed. The Sonata, being French, is inevitably somewhat cranky but a veritable cracker. The disc also includes two sets of the Duettos for Vn & Pf. And first class notes thrown in.

Enormously glad to have discovered the Unsung Composers site. Each night, tucking up in bed, is now always delayed by an hour.

Joyful felicitations to all,


Alan Howe


The Gouvy is excellent, I must agree. Just marvelous. Unpretentious, not bombastic. What a fine composer he was. I hope we get the rest of the symphonies.


Your posts has made me very curious... I've just ordered two cpo CDs with the Symphonies 3 & 5 and 6 & Sinfonietta.

I'm quite interested, because (please forgive me by saying so) I think France has only a rather limited number of composers from the Romantic era who wrote symphonies. Or am I wrong? And maybe Gouvy was German orientated... Well, at least his name sounds really French.


Gouvy is curious, to be sure. He lived in that part of Europe where French and German cultures overlapped. To my ear, it sounds more German than French, if that means anything. The classicism, orchestration, even style are not that far from Raff, Reinecke, Dvorak, and others. His use of the horn in the 6th is marvelous! The rapid tounging required in the finale is amazing. I can't think of any music written in that era that demands so much from the that section. Well, the Schumann Konzerstuck does, but no symphony or opera in my memory. The Sinfonietta is no light weight work. This new Gouvy disk was one of the happiest recent buys.


Having read the comments re-this composer, I immediately listened to sound bites of both the cds listed in this thread. I liked what I heard and promptly ordered both Gouvy cds. The cd with the coupling symphonies 3 and 5 arrived first. I have since listened to it a number of times and I must say the music is hugely enjoyable! I can't wait for the second cd to arrive (due any day now!!!). Thank you "Unsungs" for introducing me to yet another most interesting composer.



Sterling have released a CD of Gouvy's music, Sterling CD #1087-2 :
Symphony no2 in F op12, Paraphrases symphoniques op89, Fantasie symphonique.


Mark Thomas

The Symphony on the new Sterling CD is certainly enjoyable, but rather anonymous and clearly not a mature work like those on the cpo releases. On the other hand, the Paraphrases symphoniques (a very late, one-movement set of orchestral variations) and the Fantaisie symphonique (a 25 minute work in three movements) are really fine pieces, and the opening Grave movement of the Fantaisie is particularly impressive. Well worth shelling out for.


To be honest... I'm not really impressed by Gouvy's symphonies (I've only got the two cpo discs). It's easy listening, certainly, but not more than that (to my ears). There are so many more unsung symphonies of the (late) Romantic era which are more memorable, tuneful, powerful and with depth. Well, it's just an opinion. Now it's time for me to give JPE Hartmann's 2nd another spin...

Alan Howe

JPE Hartmann 2 is certainly a very fine work indeed. Gouvy is more of a guilty pleasure, I find. The craftsmanship is impeccable, the orchestration just right, the tunes lovely. But he's not a writer of knock-out pieces....that was, until I heard the Fantaisie Symphonique. Now that is a powerful piece - worth the price of the CD alone...


Thank you Marcus, Mark and Alan for your positive comments re- the new Sterling Gouvy cd. I am waiting to hear sound bites on JPC but as I admire this composer, and have already posted to that effect, there is no doubt that I will purchase this cd as well! Oh dear, yet another cd for the collection!



I know the feeling. I think I've nearly run out of room for them, here. If only I had a spare 'wing'!