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Started by Richard Moss, Monday 13 June 2011, 21:30

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Sydney Grew

To all who responded, many thanks for the clarification.


I think that Alan's statement is both clear and very helpful. I have tried-I hope successfully-to adhere to the advice that the extension to the present day is qualified by the provision that the composers whose music is suitable for upload are those who, in his words, are "basically tonal composers  or those who write in the traditional forms". I recall having reservations about uploading some early works by Sir Richard Rodney Bennett and by Gordon Crosse but I judged that they would be, perhaps only just, within the bounds of acceptability. The same stipulation, I hope, just allows Humphrey Searle to be included but would exclude the younger generation of British modernists. I would hazard a guess that lovers of the music of, say, Sir Harrison Birtwistle (amongst whom I would definitely not include myself ;D) will not find his music featured here.


I was just about to say almost exactly the same: this site seems to include a lot of fans of recent music with a tonal character. In the future it may be that this music is seen as typical of the late 20th and early 21st century and that of the atonalists is forgotten, but I don't think one can regard David Matthews or Robert Simpson as the same period as Berlioz or Mendelssohn. Romanticism has influenced them, but they have made a newer style from it.
      Though one might say that, just as gothic architecture never really died out in England, romanticism has never done so either, despite the best efforts of critics.


Well, there's LOTS here for all of us whatever our musical tastes.  I certainly don't object if someone wants to upload something composed last week.

I do find it helpful when someone posts a 20th century work and comments with things like "romantic style" or "very melodic" or "old fashioned" or whatever.  When that happens, I do download and try the piece and then decide whether to keep it or delete it.   I may have a closed mind about some things but I will give them a try.....



Amphissa: I think that's "degenerated into the kitsch of post-post-modernism". That's ok, we all misspell sometimes.

Most everything I've uploaded has been music I particularly like that's found its way (either from friends or taped off the radio or etc.- also a few MIDIs I made, true) into my collection (the exceptions being a few uploads for friends of music I don't really know well enough yet to like or dislike really); the Holmboe 7th symphony Op.50 for instance (more or less in D - one almost might say D minor) is a piece that's especially grown on me since I've gotten to know Hughes' performance on BIS, but even moreso since a friend (who I think is on this forum- possibly not, actually, now I think i recall who it is, though I may see about getting in contact and inviting him...) sent me the broadcast of Malko's performance, which I find far better (I know, I know, I've said.

I admit uploading the Holmboe and Simpson/Kok with more of a stylistic precis might have been a good idea and I considered doing so for the Holmboe, and then I decided against.  I don't know how to write something that would provide just enough information for the desired purpose and not one whit more- and that matters, based on personal experience...
(Anyhow, I've never actually heard a successful attempt to mimic a previous century's styles, so "old-fashioned" is something I take with a grain of salt. The 18th century's attempt to write movements of pieces in the style of the 17th century sounded as much like exercises as they were - Mozart a very important exception later in his life for reasons that - well, long story, but neo-Classical has neo- for a rea.. anyway. Point either disagreed with for a reason or made, anyhow...)