Taneyev's Oresteia comes to Bard next summer

Started by edurban, Tuesday 21 August 2012, 15:08

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While Taneyev is not the focus of next year's Bard festival (that will be Stravinsky) there will be staged performances of Taneyev's opera trilogy The Oresteia, surely a US premiere.  Look for 5 or 6 performances next late July/early August.  Leon Botstein will conduct, the American Symphony will be in the pit, and all's right with the world...



Hmm, time to uproot and move to another continent methinks. I suppose Mr Botstein isn't really eligible for a Nobel prize, but I'd sure like to award him with one. If some company (MSR?) doesn't record this, well.... splutter, splutter....I'll declare war on the world.

Alan Howe

A recording of this magnificent work would be real coup, I agree. Thanks for this news too.