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Jens Laurson Emborg (1876-1957)

Started by Balapoel, Thursday 31 January 2013, 08:28

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Any recordings for Emborg? There is very little on him on the web - I find nothing in Grove's online, and the only decent worklist is from the danish wikipedia article (øn_Emborg).

5 Symphonies (1910-1948)
His No. 3 won 3rd place in the Scandinavian regional Schubert 1928 Centennial Contest (after Atterberg's 6th and Irgens-Jensen's Passacaglia).

2 Piano Concertos
2 Violin Concertos
Concertos for Cello, Oboe, and Trumpet
6 String Quartets (d minor, Ab, g minor, ?, b minor, and C)
many other pieces

Alan Howe


(Also, there's some brief sound samples here. I think that's the first of the two concertos for violin, the 2nd being op.58, parts for which are at a Danish library. Hrm... however, Wikipedia gives the violin concertos as opp. 58 and 87. Maybe op.48 is a misprint.)
also at least two organ concertos, a chamber concerto, ... hrm.
The quartet with a "?" is the op.42 nicknamed "October"?
Intriguing somehow.
Erm... Op.13 in A-dur - that should mean A major, not A-flat. Ab would be As-dur. (There's very often confusion about B-dur/b-moll, H-dur/h-moll and mistranslations of B-dur to B-major instead of B-flat major e.g., but not so much an issue with

(Wikipedia in Danish. (English language Wiki too brief to be informative, at present.))


I have the 5th Symphony from an old radio recording; a wonderful, quirky little number well under twenty minutes. Apart from structure, it might have written eighty years earlier.


Any possibility of an upload? Please...


Thanks, Ilja.   A nice little piece.

Does anyone have any earlier music of Emborg's??



I am thrilled to find a Symphony by Emborg!
Before I am able to enjoy it I have to circumvent my antivirus software which claims to have found a dangerous link at movement 1.  :(


besides the violin concerto (no.1 op.58 I think) there seems to be a recording in a compilation on DaCapo- his op.1 nocturne for cello and piano (ca.1904) is on one CD (sound sample here). (Also possibly a brief song "Agnes" on a Preiser Records CD (1997) (recorded ca.1967) sung by Helge Rosvaenge, but I'm not positive this is by Jens Laurson Emborg and not another Emborg.)

Any relation to tenor/conductor Poul Emborg, I wonder or keyboardist Jörgen Emborg (or is this just a very common surname?)


Thanks Ilja - I'll listen to it tonight.


Quote from: britishcomposer on Saturday 02 February 2013, 00:32
I am thrilled to find a Symphony by Emborg!
Before I am able to enjoy it I have to circumvent my antivirus software which claims to have found a dangerous link at movement 1.  :(

Well, today it worked without Kaspersky alarming. Thank you very much, Ilja!  :)