London Born Composers of Classical Music

Started by giles.enders, Wednesday 20 June 2012, 11:48

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An hospital for sick music? There wouldn't be many empty beds. :)


Although almost all historical publications give the birthplace of John William Harmston as London, it is almost certain that he was actually born in Lincoln - see


Wikipedia lists also(? apologies- will try to remove duplicates soon) the following composers born in London:
Humphrey John Stewart (American, 1856-1932, but born in London. Wrote several oratorios and operas, etc.)
David Braham ("The American Offenbach", but born in Middlesex, "then a prosperous neighborhood in the East End of London.") 1834-1905. Mostly composed ballads, show tunes, etc. so maybe not for this list - though worth knowing about, I believe. A lot of his stuff scanned in by LoC; I'd never heard of him before last year, though.
A few more later if I may  - lots to do...


London was historically in the County of Middlesex, now what was Middlesex has been absorbed into Greater London.  I will amend the list soon as I have a few more composers to add.