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Bruckner 00 Study Symphony

Started by sdtom, Monday 09 September 2013, 17:16

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What is the general opinion of this work? Rarely performed it does fit into the unsung category and is probably his weakest symphony.

Alan Howe

It's a fine piece in my view. What's particularly fascinating is to hear what Bruckner's music sounded like prior to his encounter with Wagner's music.

John H White

Its a great favourite of mine and it also predates Bruckner's acquaintance with Beethoven's 9th symphony. Hence, as with No1, there is no opening tremolo. It would seem that "No. 0", which does start with a tremolo, was conceived after No. !.


I prefer the number 0 over the 00.  The number 0 was written between 1 & 2.


The version of 1 that (I think?) we usually hear was finalized, iirc, while Bruckner was taking a break from the finale of the 9th, so this is ... true and not true, actually...

Alan Howe


Ah. The 1891 version I was referring to (I think... I was half-remembering something someone wrote in an article on the finale of the 9th :) ) is one of the least-performed, or anyway least-recorded, versions of no.1. Definitely my mistake. Thanks.

Alan Howe

No problem. It is all rather complicated - and I've just bought the new Abbado/Lucerne recording, so I've been reminding myself which version I'm listening to.

Martin Tousignant

Admittedly Bruckner did not yet redefine the symphony here, but the F minor symphony reflects Schumann and Mendelssohn with his own peculiar "dark radiance."  I also sense the sheer joy Bruckner took in his musical craft.


"dark radiance" is a good way to put it Martin. Welcome to our forum.
Tom :)