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Your discovery of 2019

Started by Ilja, Friday 27 December 2019, 12:15

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Since I only recently purchased and begun listening to the Brilliant Brun symphonies recording, I'm hoping it will become my Discovery of (at least early) 2020. As to 2019, - may have been finally having heard a recording of (a performance of) Draeseke's 2nd string quartet. (Maybe less of a discovery since I'd first seen the parts years ago and at least the score of the first few bars more recently too :), but hearing that lovely piece was something else.)


Kreutzer Violin Concetos on Naxos and Talent. That early 1800s shift from Classicism to Romanticism always interests me, and Kreutzer's concertos are strongly dramatic and melodic. Sadly that looks like it is about it for Kreutzer Cds without doubling up on his works.

Otherwise, the Moor symphony that was put up on here is rather good.


Quote from: Martin Eastick on Monday 30 December 2019, 19:55
Although I have had a certain involvement with it - and therefore admit a certain slight bias, my "discovery"  for 2019 has to be Moszkowski's "Johanna d'Arc".
Indeed. But if that has done anything it is heightening my anticipation of a release of the symphony (or First Symphony, if you consider Johanna to be the second), which I think is even better.

Martin Eastick

As far as i am aware, Moszkowski's D minor symphony is definitely in the planned recording schedule for this series!