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Courtlandt Palmer (1871-1951)

Started by Martin Eastick, Friday 08 June 2018, 18:51

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C minor or major, though very fluid in key with the slow movement (and the contrasting material in the first movement) both in D-flat major.

Gareth Vaughan

What do you think of it, Eric? Should I suggest it to Hyperion?


I don't know if I'm a good enough judge of such things, especially on a first look. (I'll try to have a listen.) (Edit: "humming out" some of the main material it seems promising.)

Martin Eastick

I would like to thank those here who have taken the trouble to get "stuck in" and look at the concerto (which would seem to be just the one in spite of the rather confusing listing in the NYPL collection). If anyone could send me a copy - and the work is worthy of promoting (which I suspect it may be!) -  I would certainly take this forward with those at Hyperion, although I imagine it will have a bit of a wait in the ever - lengthening queue of deserving causes! Then, of course, there needs to be due consideration for appropriate coupling(s)..............!

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteI have photographed it as the pages are too large for my scanner.

Did you ever get around to photographing the score, Wheesht? A Herculean task, I am sure.


I think W. did mean the whole score and not just the first page (or reduction) but shouldn't answer for...


Yes, indeed, I photographed the entire score last summer, and it wasn't such a Herculean task either. Perhaps I just felt energised by the fact that, unexpectedly, I had "found" the score and been allowed to take it home.

Gareth Vaughan

Would it be possible to see the pictures you took so I can assess this work, please?

Martin Eastick

I would just like to mention that I did forward the copy scans of the score to Hyperion last year - we just have to await any further developments.............


It is heartening to know that so many people, such as yourself, Martin, are doing what they can to get UCs 'out there'. Let's hope Courtlandt Palmer gets a 'fair go'.