Berwald: not as sung as he deserves !

Started by redieze, Tuesday 26 March 2019, 18:34

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I agree with Alan about Jarvi's: make no mistake, for someone into the Unsungs he's just a little short of a prophet, but he's not perfect, and in this particular case I do not think that Berwald's peculiar mix of originality, ebullience and irony fit's Jarvi's père's brand of energetic drive.
Indeed, his cycle sounds to me rushed and brusque.


Alan Howe

Neeme Järvi's most obvious weakness, even as a great conductor, is his tendency to rush. I remember that, when I was present at the recording of Rufinatscha 6 (now 5) under Noseda, there was talk among the sound engineers about his (then) forthcoming Raff recordings. The comment I remember was: 'I'll bet that'll be fast...'

Mark Thomas

.. and so it proved to be, but in Raff's case the music can take it.

Alan Howe